Different Paths
knickknacks and stuff that Iaido didn’t recognize. The air was full of the
scent of jasmine and cloves which gave the area a wholesome feel. Moving
through the shelves, Iaido couldn’t help but caress the wooden shelves; wood
being so rare in this modern era. He couldn’t be sure but it felt real. If it
was, the furniture alone in this room was worth a small fortune.
    Moving up to the counter, Iaido paused as a large
black bird landed a few feet from him with a loud squawk.
    A soft voice came from beyond a green beaded
curtain. “Greetings warrior.”
    Sliding the curtain aside, Madam Aleksandra
entered the room. She was tall, fair of skin with jet black hair that hung down
to her waist and was pulled back off her brow by a beautifully crafted silver
tiara with a red gem that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Her lacy
black dress was elegant and she seemed to glide across the floor instead of
walking. Only two features marked her heritage as a Sylvan, the pointed ears
and her red eyes. Sylvan eyes were shaped much like humans, having the slight
slant common to those of oriental heritage but no human could have the ruby red
pupils of a Sylvan.
    Iaido paused for a second as her eyes seemed to
peer into his soul. Remembering his manners, he bowed low. “Greetings Madam
Aleksandra, my name is Iaido Spartan. I seek an audience with the Lady Talia.”
    Returning the bow with a nod of her head, Madam
Aleksandra gestured to a nearby table. “Your name is not unknown to me.”
Gliding to her seat, she pointed at the cards lying on the table. “The cards
foretold your coming.”
    Iaido glanced at the tarot cards. Only three cards
were face up: the Hermit, the Knight of Swords and the Wheel of Fortune.
    Madam Aleksandra pointed at each card as she
explained, “He that searches for truth shall take up the blade of honor and be
the instrument of change.”
    “I’m not sure you are talking about me.” Iaido
pulled out the printout of the business card and set it on the table in front
of the Madam. “This was found on the body of a friend. I would like to ask her
about it.”
    Madam Aleksandra gestured to the seat across from
her. “Are you working for the government?”
    Taking the offered seat Iaido said, “No. My
interests are purely personal.”
    With a quick flutter of its wings, the huge raven
landed on his shoulder. Iaido looked sideways at the bird. The raven paid no
attention to his glare and looked away. As soon as he turned his attention back
to Madam Aleksandra, the raven squawked loudly before taking a nip out of his
right ear.
    Iaido lurched aside. “Ouch! That damn bird bit me!”
    Madam Aleksandra’s laughter filled the room. It
was a wholesome sound, like raindrops hitting a pond.
    “Edgar was just giving you a kiss. According to
the ancient race that inhabited this region of Terra several centuries ago, I
believe they were called the Cherokee, any warrior that was kissed by a raven
is destined for greatness.”
    Iaido rubbed his ear. “Thanks but I could’ve lived
without his blessing. Is he real?”
    “Who Edgar? Yes, he is real.” Madam Aleksandra
said. “You thought him to be a simulacrum? There are still ravens native to
this land, rare though they be. When I assumed this post on Terra, I called
him. Edgar is my familiar, a helper of sorts.”
    Before Iaido could ask what she meant by that, the
curtain of beads separated again. Judging from the Feds’ description he knew
this was Talia Stargleam. However their notes didn’t do her beauty justice.
There were striking similarities between the two Sylvan women. Talia had the
same fair skin and waist long hair which was also pulled back with a silver
tiara. However, Talia’s hair was so white that is almost seemed silver and her
eyes were emerald green. She wore a lacy green dress but where Madam
Aleksandra’s was conservative and formal, Talia’s was low cut and enticing.
    Talia glided over to the table and curtsied low to
her senior.

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