Different Paths
average citizen of the twenty-second century worked
six ten-hour days to fuel the war effort, not counting the time spent shuttling
between the larger cities or one of the five orbiting space platforms. Even
after the war, this became the norm. So, without the credits of tourists to
upkeep the area, Old Town had reverted to its natural state. Not particularly a
slum but run down. With the local university only four blocks away, Five Points
had become the home to artists, druggies and many other underground activities
that take place in large cities. Most gangs of New Atlanta had a representative
or club in the area which actually acted as a stabilizer. No one gang
controlled the area and if any one gang pushed too much, the others worked
together to rein them in, making Five Points a sort of sanctuary to all.
    Iaido knew this section of New Atlanta well.
    This area was one of his best for snitches. Since
it was early evening and most of the bars were just opening up for business it
was a good time to make contact with some of his informants. The average
citizen would still be at work for at least another hour or two, so foot
traffic in the area was light. Rounding a familiar corner, Iaido located one of
his best informants sitting in a high chair. Like a king overlooking his
subjects, he was surrounded by five hookers in varying degrees of revealing
clothes with two hulking bodyguards on either side of his throne. This was
Ledrix, the midget gay pimp.
    Standing only four foot tall with broad shoulders,
black spiked hair, numerous body piercings and tattoos; he wore purple spandex
shorts and a lime green vest and was the undisputed king of this particular
block. Technically Ledrix was a Jovian; which meant that he was a descendant
from the first settlers of the moons around Jupiter. The increase in gravity on
the settlers combined with the radiation leaks in the early life-domes caused
the genetic mutation of dwarfism in their kids. Even though living conditions
on Jupiter and her moons had improved, the rates of dwarfism are still one in
four but the lure of jobs and a lower cost of living still drew a steady supply
of settlers every year.
    Ledrix looked up from his girls, expecting to see
his first ‘John’ of the night only to spy Spartan and the smile froze on his
face. It lost the inviting warmth it was meant to have; instead it became the
grin of the guilty, like the kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
    “Spar...Spartan, my old friend.” 
    Hearing one of his bodyguards growl slightly, the
Jovian gestured at his bodyguards to stand fast. “What can I do for you this
    Iaido barely glanced at the bodyguard. “Ledrix,
you better train your watchdogs better.” The hulking brute flexed his muscles a
bit more and took a small step forward. He didn’t take his eyes off of the
Jovian. “If he takes another step forward, I’ll kill him.”
    Ledrix hopped out of his throne and moved in front
of his latest boyfriend. “Please Spartan, don’t. He’s new. I’m not finished
with him.”
    “I’ll let it slide this time but you better train
him better before someone does kill him.”
    The relief that flushed over Ledrix’s face was obvious.
    “I need some information.”
    Ledrix swallowed hard before asking, “What can I
do for you?”
    “A friend of mine was killed last night. I want
your employees to keep an ear out for anything out of the ordinary. Someone
knows something and there is bound to be talk.”
    “Sure…sure thing,” Ledrix said. “If they learn
anything I’ll contact Diana.”
    With a silent nod, Iaido turned his back on the
Pimp King and moved further along the streets of Five Points.
    Finding the store wasn’t hard. A large tarot card
with flashing purple neon broadcasting ‘Fortunes Told’ hung above the door.
Entering the shop was like stepping back in time. There wasn’t a single piece
of modern equipment in sight, just rows of wooden shelves crammed full

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