Different Paths
“You called Madam?”
    “This is Iaido Spartan, the warrior foretold. He
has questions for you. Aid him to the best of your ability.”
    Turning toward Iaido, Talia once again curtsied.
“Greetings warrior. How may I be of service to thee?”
    Iaido stood and returned the greeting with a bow.
“Lady Talia, I would like to ask you a few questions concerning Sgt. Major Spenton.”
    “His fate is known to me. I will mourn his loss.”
    Iaido gestured at the printout of the business
card on the table. “I understand you have been on earth only a short time but
you sent the Sgt. Major a business card with a note asking ‘Any Leads’ may I
ask why?”
    “It is nothing sinister.” Talia cast a wary glance
at the Madam. “I hired the retired Sgt. Major to locate my sister. She was a
military attaché assigned by the Empire to assist Omega Squadron and I thought
he would be the best person for the job considering his past.”
    “Your sister?” Iaido rubbed his chin as he thought
back. “I remember several Sylvans working with us but I don’t recall any
    Talia giggled slightly. “You might have met her
and not realized she was a female.”
    Shaking his head in disbelief Iaido gestured at
the two women, “Don’t take this the wrong way but I am very well-travelled and
I have met many sylvan women in my time. Few look as radiant as you two but
they are all lookers, if you get my meaning. There is no way I would not have
noticed her.”
    With a slight smile Madam Aleksandra said, “Thank
you for your kind words but the Sylvan women who serve the Empire in the
military shave their heads and dress just like the men. To a Terran, there
would be no noticeable difference.”
    “Okay, I’ll buy that. But why would the Sgt. Major
know the whereabouts of your sister?”
    Talia glanced nervously at Madam Aleksandra who
nodded briefly, “According to the last communication with my sister Medea, she
had developed a special friendship with Sgt. Major Spenton.”
    Iaido nodded his understanding and let the
unspoken relationship drop but asked, “And when was this communication?”
    “Two days prior to the battle of Gilese.”
    “That was over ten years ago.”
    “Why now? Why start searching now?”
    Once again Talia glanced at the Madam who shook
her head slightly. Biting her lip, she cast her gaze downward and said, “I am
sorry Mr. Spartan but I cannot discuss my reasons at this time.”
    Iaido stood up. “Well ladies, my thanks for your
    Talia grabbed his arm briefly before remembering
her manners and releasing her hold. “Will you take the case?”
    “If you mean will I search for the cause of Sgt.
Major Spenton’s death? Yes. Will I hunt for your sister? No. But if I run
across information about her, I will inform you.” Turning back to the door,
Iaido walked out. Just before the door closed, Madam Aleksandra’s musical voice
reached him.
    “Beware of shadows. They are moving against you.”
    *   *   *   *   *
    Talia stared at the door for several minutes before
turning to her mentor. “Is he the one Madam?”
    Madam Aleksandra didn’t answer but gestured toward
Edgar, the raven, as the huge bird hopped onto the table. Edgar looked at the
two women before turning his attention to the tarot deck. Fishing through the
unturned cards, he pulled out a card with his beak.
    Reaching out, Talia gently placed it next to the
other upturned cards. It was the Tower Card, emblazoned with the image of a
lightning blasted tower which is aflame and two figures falling from its
heights; the card which symbolized sudden change, ruin, revelations and hard
times ahead.
    Talia glanced up at her mentor. “Should we have
told him everything?”
    “Patience my child,” Madam Aleksandra said. “Great
events are unfolding even as we speak. Some we can influence some we cannot but
either way, time moves ahead slowly. To rush is to ignore the details.” 
    *   *   *   *   *

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