Don't Mess With Earth
showed that celestial
bodies were governed by the same natural laws as everything else.
Once the Ragnor were satisfied that they had messed with the
natural progression of enough humans on Earth, they decided to
leave the planet and its solar system until the humans began to
progress technologically faster than they had previously.

Chapter Six

    As Earth entered its own Industrial
Revolution, the Terrans had mostly stopped interfering in human
affairs. They watched as the thirteen American Colonies declared
their independence and broke free of the tyranny of King George the
Third of Great Britain to become the United States of America, only
to descend into Civil War a little over eighty years later. The
Americans lost more than half a million men in the fighting and the
South was devastated for years to come, but the Terrans could see
the United States slowly becoming a world power. They also watched
as the French tore themselves apart in a revolution of their own,
ending up with a madman for a leader by the name of Napoleon
Bonaparte. He declared war on the English and the Russians, and was
humiliated when defeated by both, especially after the disaster of
trying to invade Russia during their harsh winters, and then was
eventually exiled to the Canary Islands where he died a few years
later. The Russians also went almost completely to anarchy in their
October Revolution, going from a monarchy to a dictatorship of
communists and fascists, led by Vladimir Lenin and then Josef
Stalin; both of whom were bloodthirsty and ruthless leaders.
    The Terrans also marveled at the advance of
the human weapons, going from flintlock rifles to repeating rifles
and Gatling guns to full-fledged machine guns and submersibles in
less than forty years after being introduced during the American
Civil War. Experts on Terra predicted that the humans would have
nuclear weapons by the end of the twentieth century and possibly
space flight by the middle of the twenty-first century. The Terrans
were also amazed at some of the genius humans who all appeared
around the same time in history. Humans such as Thomas Edison,
Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and others seemed quite a coincidence
to the Terran leadership, so all of the humans were investigated to
see if they were from Terra, or, for that matter, experimented on
by the Ragnor; none of them were, which surprised the Terrans.
    The Terrans also saw the First World War
coming, at least a major war among the Europeans, with their
complicated and secretive alliances; it was only a matter of time
before all of Europe dragged the world down this path. The Terrans
were completely shocked when the war started over an assassination
of the Prince of Serbia in a country called Bosnia, and the fact
that most of the war was fought in trenches between mostly the
British, French, and Germans in France also amazed them. The humans
also began using biological warfare en masse for the first time,
along with tanks and airplanes, both of which had been invented
only a few short years earlier. The Americans were dragged into the
war when the Germans promised in a telegram to Mexico to give back
to Mexico the Southwestern United States if the Mexicans would
agree to attack the United States and keep the Americans occupied;
this ploy did not work. What worked to bring the United States into
war was when the civilian ocean liner Lusitania was
torpedoed and sunk by the Germans, who claimed that the ship was
carrying weapons from a supposedly neutral country like the United
States to the allied nation of the United Kingdom. The outcome of
the war wasn’t affected by the entry of the Americans, because the
countries at war were beginning to think about stopping the
bloodshed, it just made the Germans want to quit faster when the
Americans entered in the western front.
    A few years later, Americans were becoming
isolationistic and developing a prospering economy. Men and women
started flying aircraft that were much more

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