Don't Mess With Earth
advanced than the
versions that had been flying in the Great War; they barnstormed
the country and flew in air shows showcasing their talent. The
Terrans eventually noticed two Americans, because a rumor was going
around the Mars Base that Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart were
actually Terrans. Once Terran investigators delved into Lindbergh’s
background, they discovered he was a true-blue human and American;
for one thing he was too much of a pacifist to be a Terran and no
Terran would think that an everlasting peace could ever be achieved
just because they wanted it, which was entirely up to God to make
everlasting peace. Now, Amelia Earhart, on the other hand, might
possibly be a Terran, but they weren’t sure, so they waited for an
opportunity to find out.
    A Terran, who was visiting Earth, made her
way to Ontario, Canada, and looked for opportunities to see those
barnstorming airplane pilots who were showing the general public
what these new-fangled machines could do. She visited an airfield,
where there were only a few bystanders, and watched as a plane was
cutting through the clouds and performing aerial stunts that she
swore these primitive machines shouldn’t be able to do. Twenty
minutes later, the aircraft landed and taxied to the hangar. The
Terran waited for the pilot to get out, so that she could express
her wonder at the fearlessness of this pilot in such a primitive
machine. The pilot climbed out of the aircraft, took off their
helmet, and surprised the Terran even more when she saw that the
pilot was a human female. As far as the Terran female had known,
most human females went out of their way not to be noticed, since
the men of the species seemed really threatened by a strong woman.
Of course, the political situation here in North America could have
changed since she last heard, but she was sure she would find out
in the next few moments.
    The Terran woman walked up to the human
female pilot, and said, “Hi, I’m Susan. That was terrific flying! I
think it’s even more terrific since I just found how you’re a
woman. Doesn’t flying get you in trouble with the
    “Hi Susan, I’m Amelia, thanks for the
compliment. I don’t fly enough to get noticed by anyone, this is
sort of just my hobby for the time being. I’m currently working as
a nurse’s aide at a military hospital here in Toronto, helping with
the wounded soldiers from the war over in Europe. Are you
interested in flying too?”
    “I am fascinated by these airplanes, and I
would love to try my hand at the controls. Is it very hard to
learn?” asked the Terran.
    “Not really, the only tricky part, I think,
is the landing. Once you got the landing down though, it’s pretty
easy. If you’re interested in becoming a pilot, then let’s talk
about you becoming a student pilot.”
    Amelia Earhart and Susan Transavera became
fast friends and Amelia taught Susan the basics of flying, and when
Amelia thought Susan was ready, even some aerial acrobatics. A few
months later, Amelia caught the Spanish flu from working amongst
the wounded soldiers who had brought the flu back from Europe. The
rest of the Earhart family caught the flu too and they also began
to die. Amelia contracted pneumonia and slowly began dying herself,
so she called for Susan to ask a favor from her. When Susan arrived
at Amelia’s bedside, Amelia said, “Susan, I’m glad you came. I have
a favor to ask of you, since I will no longer be able to pursue my
dream of becoming a world-renowned pilot. When I die, I want to you
to continue on in my name, become Amelia Earhart, and make the
world see that women can do the same thing as men.”
    Susan was stunned by Amelia’s request.
Normally, she thought she would answer yes to this request, but,
since she wasn’t from Earth, this could get her into major trouble
with the Terran authorities. She thought for another moment or two
and responded with, “Amelia, I’m going to have to think about it.

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