Don't Mess With Earth
but everything the Terrans did indicated that the
Ragnor really scared them. The Ragnor hacked into Terran computers
and found that they were the reasons the Terrans had built warships
and a sizable army to begin with, even going so far as to travel to
their original homeworld to see if they couldn’t get help in
defeating the Ragnor, but, found instead a really primitive
society. The Terrans, even if they wouldn’t officially admit it to
themselves, began to slowly manipulate the development of the
humans on Earth, which was how the Ragnor noticed so many ships
headed in a direction the Ragnor starships had never gone
    Once arriving on Earth and conducting a few
abductions, the Ragnor were delighted that these primitive,
pre-technological humans blamed all these mysterious happenings on
dark, evil, supernatural forces. They were responsible for what
eventually would happen in Salem, Massachusetts, when people began
to be accused of witchcraft for behaving in a stranger manner than
usual for Puritans; those humans were actually victims of
abductions and experimentations by the Ragnor. The aliens watched
with some humor, as those humans who were being accused of
witchcraft, were put on trial, were automatically found guilty, and
given their punishment. The punishment, the Ragnor thought, was
very creative for such primitives, like dunking the accused in
water to see if they could survive being underwater for longer than
their lungs could sustain them. Of course, all these humans who
were given this punishment ended up dead, since none of them could
breathe underwater. Once the Ragnor were done playing with these
particular humans, they went somewhere else on Earth to cause more
    A few years earlier, the Ragnor came across a
brilliant human who they had abducted by the name of Isaac Newton.
Newton was sleeping under an apple tree on the campus of the
University of Cambridge in England when the Ragnor found him, so
they decided to abduct him. A scan was conducted first and they
found he had a super intelligence quotient, so they took him to
their ship. Once on board the ship, the Ragnor downloaded gigabytes
of information into Newton’s brain; specifically information
related to what Newton was already interested in, mathematics and
science. Once they were done, Newton was placed back in the same
spot he had been sleeping a few hours earlier, and had no memories
or nightmares of being abducted. A few minutes later, he woke up
somewhat startled when an apple fell out of the tree and hit him on
the head. Newton picked up the apple off of the ground, took a good
look at it, began to think about why the apple fell out of the
tree, and came up with the theory of universal gravitation and the
three laws of motion a few months later. Newton set to work writing
down everything that came to him as a result and wondered if the
moon was held where it was by the gravity of Earth and why
everything always fell constantly to Earth’s center, instead of
going upwards or sideways.
    As for the three laws of motion, he stated
the first one, known as the Law of Inertia. It states that an
object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends
to stay in motion unless something happens to cause it to stop. The
second law states that mass is constant and acceleration of an
object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force
acting on that object and proportional to its mass. The third law
states that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. He presented his ideas to his fellow professors at
Cambridge and they were astonished at his genius and these new
ideas he presented to them. He then decided to write all of this
into a single tome, called Philosophia Naturalis
Principia Mathematica . This became the standard scientific
view of the physical universe and nature for the next three hundred
years and helped the progression of modern day engineering,
launching a scientific revolution. Newton

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