called a cab. Ryker lived
in a penthouse apartment on the thirty first floor, a private
elevator had to be used to get to his apartment only he know the
combination to operate it other then Thena. As Ryker walked out the
front door he was picked up and taken to the air port. Ryker hoped
into his plane after packing it up with necessary items to do the
job. He would fly out tonight do a lay over and start again in the
morning reach Little River by early evening.
    Ryker called
Ned the next day on the phone, “Ned I am on my way I’ll be in
Little River by tonight don’t tell Thena I am in the area. I am
flying in and I have a new plane so Thena won’t know it is me. I
will rent a vehicle and get a room at some hotel or motel. Where is
Thena staying at?”
    “She is
staying in the only motel in town room twenty-three so that leaves
you cabins or at the hotel.” Ned smiled. “Thanks Ryker I appreciate
your being there for her! Ryker I haven’t been able to contact
Thena this morning, I am worried!”
    “Well like you
said Ned, I could not live with myself if I never saw that cute ass
again.” Ryker laughed and hung up his cell phone, stuck it in his
shirt pocket.
    Thena was in
the shower she was thinking of Ryker. Thena could not get over him
no matter how hard she tried. His face would come to mind and she
would feel hot between the legs. She wondered why she was thinking
of him so much lately. She just was not sure if it was the danger
she was in or if so many things lately reminded her of him. After a
long hot bath Thena blew her hair dry, brushed her teeth, put on
clean clothes and stepped out of the bathroom to find a gun
pointing at her from the side of the door. Thena threw up her arm
knocking the gun out of the woman’s hand, punches were flying from
both women, and Thena put up one hell of a fight, two night tables
fall over, small table to eat at had two broken legs. The Cullen
woman pulled a knife and sliced down her arm. Then Thena was hit
from behind and down she went. When Thena woke up she found herself
tied to a chair with a rope made of hemp. Cullen the man was
standing over her. “Where is Seeker?”
    Thena looked
up at him, “Don’t know where he is, do not fucking care either!”
The son of a bitch tried to rape me! So I don’t fucking care?”
    Cullen slapped
her hard across the face with the back of his hand, “Not the right
answer Thena, where is Seeker?”
    Thena looked
at him, “does it make you feel like a man to slap around a woman
Cullen? I don’t know where he is?”
    Cullen only
reply was a punch in the face. “Lets start again bitch where is
    “I don’t
fucking no, what part of I don’t fucking no; don’t you understand
ass hole?” Thena said.
    Cullen pulled
back his fist and slammed it into Thena’s face.
    Cullen turned
to his wife, “get some water she is out cold again sweet
    Cullen’s mate
smiled warmly, “sure baby right away.” Cullen’s wife leaned over
and gave him a kiss.
    When Cullen
dumped the glass of water all over Thena’s face she came too. Thena
spit water and looked at Cullen through one eye, the other one was
swelling shut. “Ryker hears what you did to me your dead meat
    Cullen began
to laugh, “He doesn’t give a rats ass about you any more Thena, the
last time I saw Ryker he had a whore sitting on his lap. Now bitch
were is Seeker?” Cullen said with a smile.
    “I don’t
fucking no so fuck off you bastard!” Thena said through clinched
teeth. Thena was stubborn when the mood stuck her and it had stuck
her full force. The harder Cullen pushed the more she refused to
answer his questions.
    “Cullen said I
think I can get you to talk bitch.”
    Cullen reached
down ripped Thena’s top slightly.
    Cullen reached
in to one of her breasts and pinched down hard on one of her
nipples, Thena cried out in pain. “Now talk bitch!”
    Thena began to
cry, “I don’t fucking no!”
    Cullen lost
his temper and slammed the

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