butt end of his gun down and across
Thena’s jaw!” Thena was out cold. Cullen’s mate tossed water on her
it didn’t do any good. They would have to wait for her to come
around on her own. Cullen’s temper was lost and he slapped Thena
around blackened her other eye, split her lip. Then he sat down and
waited for Thena to come around.
    Betty smiled
at Cullen, “Cullen make love to me baby I need it, all this has
turned me on. Please stick that big cock of yours in me baby and
drive me crazy. Cullen smiled.
    Cullen watched
Betty walk to him he pulled her down on the bed and fucked Betty
long and hard until she screamed his name and came all over his
shaft. Then Cullen worked it a few more times and came in side of
her. Slowly they dressed and smiled at each other. Cullen smiled,
“sex is always at its best with you Betty when we are working.
    An hour later
Cullen looked at his watch damn it’s nearly seventy thirty already.
Thena moaned and moved her head.
    Cullen stood
up, “Now Thena why don’t you be a real sweet heart of a girl and
just tell me what I want to know and I will walk out of here
letting you live if you keep telling me to fuck off I am going to
kill you! Now sweet heart where is Seeker?”
    Thena couldn’t
see a thing her eyes were both swollen completely shut, her jaw
ached something awful, her head hurt beyond anything she ever felt
before. She began to cry silently. “I don’t know where Seeker is I
left him yesterday he did not tell me he had travelled plans.
screamed, Wrong fucking answer,” Cullen slapped Thena across the
    Ryker landed
his plane at seven thirty and rented a crew cab truck loaded his
stuff into it and drove into town. Ryker decided to rent a cabin
near the motel so he could watch Thena. He left the rental truck
parked out side the cabin.
    Once he was
settled in he decided to take a walk around town. It was hard to
not be noticed Ryker was six foot three and a half, had coal black
hair, blue eyes, perfect set of teeth, and a smile women seem to
love about him and found irresistible. His body was well muscled he
knew women appreciated it physical attributes. He was however
missing part of one ear lobe, a nick in his right ear. It would get
itchy when it got cold, he scowled Thena had nicked his ear with
one of her claws and tore off a piece of his ear lobe. Suddenly the
fight came back to him and he stopped walking while waiting for a
light to change from green to red.
    He never
dreamed she would try to stand up to him that day they parted. They
had both lost there tempers and both of them had a bad one, it was
seldom lost once it was, it was out of control. They argued over
putting a client in danger, and saving his hide. He didn’t want to
hurt her, but he had, he dislocated her shoulder, and had broken
her arm in the fight. When screaming and yelling at one another got
lost tempers flare and Thena shifted into a panther. He shifted
down into a werewolf then had to shift so that he was between the
two to get the best of Thena. He felt disgusted with himself for
his actions. In return she had nicked his ear, cut him up with her
claws pretty bad, and when it came down to losing blood it was him
not her. She had shifted down into a cat and he was a werewolf
Ryker learned quickly never fight with Thena unless you mean to
kill her. Ryker started walking again, then a girl came up to him,
mister got a cigarette?” The girl said with a smile.
    Ryker smiled,
“No don’t smoke,”
    The girl
smiled “I am Faye thirty dollars will get you laid, a blow is
twenty, or I can jerk you off for ten bucks” she said with a
    Ryker looked
down at the girl, she could not have been more then eighteen, she
stood about five feet tall, had big brown eyes to large for her
face, he smiled, and she was not at all that good looking. He
thought actually it might work if the guy kept his eyes closed. One
second thought he wouldn’t screw her if she was the only woman left

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