exiled to. A second
cousin of Kevin Morose, a vice president of Origin, had a vacation
home there. The facility is rumored to be close to that home. Most
people reach the island by boat because it is rocky making it
impossible to reach by plane, but you will be using ladders to exit
the copters. I wish you all good luck.”
    Hades thought they would need all the luck
they could get. This time Ares and Poseidon would go with him as
well as several secondary gods and demons. Before they hit the
tenth spot, many of his brothers would have their chance to
contribute to the search for the lost gods and demons they looked
for. This trip would be closer, but no place was that close to
    This trip would be made fully by copter with
special fuel and enlarged tanks making sure they were able to make
it there, but they would have to refuel to make it back. Zeus had
someone meeting them to deal with that. The trip would be would be
uncomfortable by civilian standards. It was a good thing none of
them were civilians, not even Pedro’s guys who were all
mercenaries. They were here now and would follow them to their
destination. They would see a lot of Pedro while they worked their
way through the list.
    They sat in the back of a copter, no way to
be intimate, all he could do was hold her to him. He still smiled,
these days he was a happy god. He thought back to when they had
returned from Canada and Eres had greeted him.
    “I’ve never seen anything like it before,”
Eres said as he leaned closed to Hades staring at his face as if he
had something out of place there.
    “Is there something on my face? No one else
has said a thing.”
    “You could say that, brother. You have a
sappy smile where a smile has never been at all.” He laughed as he
moved to avoid Hades’s fist.
    “Ha, ha!” Hades thought about it, but Eres
was right. His life had never been anything to smile about, but now
he finally had someone that was all his. He worried about the risk
they were taking but he knew that neither of them could live with
the threat of Origin over their heads like that. It would be worse
when they had children and he realized he had no doubt that they
would have them.
    Doc was so smart their children would
probably be geniuses. They’d take after her in looks too because
she was so beautiful. He only wanted them to have his strength and
only because as a god he would be harder to hurt than she was as a
human, even after the changes his venom would cause. He would love
those children as much as he loved their mother and he would
protect his family with his life. He pulled her even closer, he
would protect her with his life.
    This mission wasn’t a success nor was it a
failure. They found the lab and it was monstrous what they did
there. Three gods and two demons were freed but it was the
experiments with embryos and fetuses that brought tears to the eyes
of all that saw them.
    “They never intended to grow them to term.
I’m not even sure they would have survived so badly mutated,” Doc
said her voice shaking.
    “What purpose was there in doing that?” Hades
    “We may never know,” Doc answered.
    There had been rows of embryos and fetuses,
some nearly to term, in large glass containers that had been left
to rot, after they had terminated them. The gods and demons had
been left to starve and die, abandoned for some unknown reason.
Maybe they had intended to come back for them or maybe it was just
too difficult to move them according to the odd way Origin
    The next location was the Cape York Peninsula
on the northern tip of Australia. It has a huge expanse of
untouched wilderness, the perfect place to hide an illegal
facility. The place they were headed was near the ocean and there
were several beaches nearby to land on. Hades knew their luck had
been too good and it was only a matter of time before it
    It started when they landed and one of the
copters broke down. They hit the facility and it was

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