you, you will continue on the path you’re headed. I see how this rift between you two is hurting your sister. She loves you very much you know.”
“I love her too, but she makes me feel so… so stupid at times. She acts like she knows everything.”
“You need to make amends. Don’t look back over your life and wish you could have or should have done something. ”
“I know, but she won’t talk to me. I tried to apologize.”
“Try harder. You have a lot of making up to do. You slept with her husband for God’s sake. I would have beaten you down for that one, if I were Violet. She’s a better woman than me in that aspect.”
Rose was appalled at Pearle’s comments. “I can’t believe you just said that.”
“It’s true. You stole the girl’s husband and you really don’t want him,” Pearle stated.
“I do want him. I love him.”
“I’m your Mom. I’m not on the panel handing out Academy Awards, so stop the acting.”
Rose pouted, as if Pearle could really see her. “I love David.”
“No. You wanted David. I bet you right now, you wish you weren’t married to him. I also know about the fake pregnancy.”
“Who told you?” Rose asked.
“David told me. Right after you told me about your miscarriage. I called your house and you were out and I asked David why would you be out so soon after losing your baby? He informed me there never was a baby.”
“How could he? It wasn’t his right to tell you.”
“That is where you are wrong. He is your husband and he had every right.”
“So you’re telling me all of this time, you knew I was lying.”
“Yes. I’m your mother. I know a lot of things,” Pearle stated.
Rose pulled up in her driveway. She was exhausted. She said, “I will think about everything you’ve said. I’ve made it home now, and I need to take care of some things.”
“I’ll let you go. Don’t wait too much longer. You hear me.”
“Yes. I hear you,” Rose said, before turning off her cell phone and leaning her head on the steering wheel.
My life is such a mess. My sister hates me. My mom has turned against me. My husband despises me. The only comfort I get is the time I spend with Lance. He’ll get tired of sharing my time, so I’m sure this little love affair won’t last too much longer. I need to be in front of the camera. It’s the only time I feel exuberant. When I’m in front of the camera, I can release and be who ever I want to be.
Rose got out of her car and went into the house. She dreaded what she knew was waiting for her on the other side. She hoped David was in his study, so she could slip into her room unnoticed. He was, so she walked upstairs and locked her door. She showered and before going to sleep she unsuccessfully attempted to reach Lance. .
“Janice who was that on the phone?”
“I don’t know. By the time I answered it, they had already hung up.”
Violet got up from under the dryer. “It was probably a wrong number. You and my mom are the only two people I care to talk to. I guess I better check to make sure it wasn’t her.”
She walked over to her caller ID and did a double take when she saw Rose’s number displayed. “She must have dialed the wrong number.”
“Call her back. It might be important.”
“Everything is important to Rose. I’ll call her on Monday. Besides, you need to take these rollers out of my head.”
“Oh, I didn’t tell you. You have to keep those in your head until tomorrow.”
Violet frowned. “Sleep on these? How am I supposed to sleep?”
Janice laughed. “You’ll be all right. You won’t even know they are there.”
“Yeah, Right.”
Violet tossed and turned throughout the night. The next morning she woke up feeling as if she ran a marathon.
I need to stop drinking cola so late at night. I know I’m going to need some makeup today, to cover up these bags under my eyes. What time is it? I
Debra Salonen - Big Sky Mavericks 03 - Cowgirl Come Home
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