Dream Warrior

Dream Warrior by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Book: Dream Warrior by Sherrilyn Kenyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon
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place. At least the hovel hadn’t been insidious and so icy cold. Creepy. She kept expecting something to jump out of the walls and grab her.
    Nervous and out of sorts, she went to the mirror and tried to pry her collar off even though she knew just what a waste of time it would be. It was better than doing nothing. It’d never been in her nature to not fight.
    But after a few minutes, her frustration grew and left her snatching at it until she had a bruise forming.
    So much for that.
    â€œWhere are you, Jericho?” And most importantly, what was he doing?
    *   *   *
    Jericho paused outside the door to the room where Azura had first taken him. She’d called it their war room, which made sense. But as he stood there, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. It was so hard to breathe. To think.
    Images flashed through his mind. Quick and intense, he saw himself as he’d been in the human realm. He felt the hunger and the pain of it.
    Bet you wish you’d never turned on Zeus now, huh?
    He didn’t know the name of the Dolophonos who’d killed him that time, but if he ever found that bastard, he’d bathe in his blood.
    He gripped the hilt of his sword, dying to use it on anyone who dared to cross him. Again, he was surprised by the warmth of it. It really was as if it were alive, and he knew this was a sword meant for killing.
    Why would Azura have given him so valuable a gift? Such creatures as she and Noir weren’t stupid. They wanted something more from him than just a warrior. He could feel it deep inside his soul.
    But what exactly were they after? And why was he so important to them?
    Wanting to find out, he pushed open the door to find Azura alone in the room.
    She turned toward him with an arched brow. “Is something wrong?”
    â€œWhere is Noir?”
    She tsked at him. “We don’t answer to you, love. You fight for us and that is all you do. Don’t ever forget your place.”
    Those were not the right words to make him happy. It was all he could do not to tell her to go screw herself.
    Her features softened as she jerked her chin toward the door behind him. “Now why aren’t you entertaining yourself with your new pet?”
    Her tone and attitude didn’t sit well with him. But he wasn’t about to let her know that … yet. He had a few things he wanted to investigate first. “I want to see the Oneroi who were brought in.”
    She scowled in displeasure. “Why?”
    Her incessant questions were beginning to piss him off. “I have a score to settle with most of them.”
    â€œHave no fear. They are being made adequately miserable for you. I assure you, you would be impressed with their current conditions.”
    His suspicions snapped to the forefront at her continued denial. “Are telling me I’m a prisoner, too?”
    â€œI didn’t say that. But you have to remember that we are as unsure of your loyalty to us as you are of ours to you. You, Noir and I have only a shaky alliance at present. One that is untested.”
    â€œYet you gave me a rare sword?”
    â€œA token of trust and a hope for our future together.”
    Something wasn’t right in this scenario. Every instinct he had was on guard. There was something more to this sword. Something she wasn’t telling him. “Why?”
    â€œI told you. We want you on our side. So long as you’re with us, all you desire will be given to you.”
    And if he displeased them, they would make him pay. It was an unstated threat that hung heavy around him. One he didn’t take kindly to. He’d been down that road and crashed hard.
    But if she wanted to give him his every wish … “I desire to see the Oneroi.”
    She laughed. “Insistent child. In time we will be open with you and you can do as you please. But not yet. Now return to your pet. Or if you’d rather, I can return you to your garage and

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