Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Page B

Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
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before Seriri could feel the coldness in Kevin’s attitude.
    “You know you are always welcome to my wake.”, He said.
    Seriri left the building as Keele and Kevin continued to their floor through the stairs.
    “Kevin, do you have a date for the Gala?”, Keele asked.
    Boriri had told Kevin about the Gala but not about bringing a date. He asked, “No, do I need one?”
    “Yes, it would look really sad if everyone came with a partner except the prince himself.”, Keele smiled.
    “I need to find one then.”, Kevin said as he entered the apartment.
    “Why don’t you ask Seriri? I think she likes you”, Keele said.
    Kevin agreed silently. He would have preferred taking Joti but that was not going to be possible.
    “What is it? You look sad.”, Keele asked.
    “It’s nothing. What’s the plan? Are we going to sit home the whole day?”, Kevin tried changing the topic.
    “Not at all. We will visit your new home. Boriri has asked me to show you around the royal residence.”, Keele said.
    “Is it really my home?”, Kevin was not sure.
    “Why not? No one stays there anymore. Moreover, people need to see their prince live like one.”, Keele explained.
    “What about the queen? Soboro’s wife.’, Kevin asked.
    “You mean Cabori? She no longer stays there. In fact, I don’t know where she is. I have not heard of her in two hundred years.”, Keele said.
    “But isn’t she the rightful owner of that palace?”, Kevin asked.
    “Legally, no! Only the royals are. She lost that right when Soboro divorced her, two days before his death.”, Keele said.
    “I didn’t know about the divorce.”, Kevin was surprised.
    “Nobody knew when Soboro died. It was only after a few years after his death, that the proctor made the news public. Divorces are not rare among royals but it was curious why it was not revealed right away.”, Keele pointed out.
    “What is a proctor?”, Kevin asked.
    “It’s a who, Kevin. Proctor is the caretaker of the royal residence. He oversees and manages the palace. Although anyone can be appointed a proctor, it usually runs in the family. The next proctor is often the son or the daughter of the current proctor.”, Keele replied.
    “Can’t wait to see the palace. When do we have to leave?”, Kevin asked with excitement.
    “As soon as you are ready.”, Keele answered.
    “Fine. Give me two minutes.”, Kevin said as he went into his room.
    Keele and Kevin were now sitting in a bus which flew in the Mone traffic. It flew only high enough to avoid buildings, similar to the other vehicles. Inside, the passengers were busy interacting with their mobile devices. Kevin turned to Keele and said, “I should get one of those devices for myself. Is it connected to the internet?”
    “You mean the network?”, Keele asked.
    “Umm, don’t you have a special network that everyone is connected to?”, Kevin said.
    “Yes, we do. We simply call it ‘The Network’. As everything is part of the same network, there are no separate networks to give separate names to.”, Keele replied casually.
    “The network! It makes sense.”, Kevin said to himself, although out loud. He then turned to Keele and said, “Everything just makes sense. Sometimes I feel I should have been born here.”.
    “I am glad you feel that way, Kevin. I will get you one of those on our way back.”, Keele replied.
    “Where is your’s? Kevin asked.
    “I have it inside me. I am all chips and circuits anyways, why carry it separately?”, Keele joked.
    “Look at that! What a beautiful building.”, Kevin pointed out a giant building spread over a large area.
    “Thats our royal residence.”, Keele said with a smile.
    As the bus descended to land in front of the royal residence, it appeared more and more enormous. Kevin gazed at the building with appreciation and awe.
    “This is one of the oldest buildings on Mone, Kevin. Royals were the first to move to Mone. It was originally their idea that hums should expand to

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