Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash

Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
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Kevin’s actions.
    “I hope you understand Kevin’s position, Joti. He loves his friends and humans more than you think. But, this is his path. He is the only chance humans and hums have against Igogo. He is the only royal descendant who can challenge Igogo in the upcoming elections. Once Igogo is out of his office, he would not be much of a threat.”, Holum explained.
    “I knew Kevin is on our side!”, Gollow shouted with excitement. “I have never been wrong in my life when it comes to making friends.”
    Joti sank deeper into her guilt on hearing this. She always wanted to believe that Kevin was on her side but facts were stacked against him. Was she supposed to overlook the overwhelming evidence and trust Kevin?
    Holum saw it on her face. He knew Joti needed some consolation right now. He said to her, “It's not entirely your fault to be honest, Joti. Kevin, yourself, Gollow, you all are young and need to learn to separate your emotions from your judgements. Kevin had good guidance all along. Myself, Ibu and Boris, we all made sure that Kevin got the right message at the right time. But I must confess I completely forgot about you. You were left alone amidst all this to interpret the incidents around you on your own. This would not have happened if I was more careful. I am sorry you had to go through all of this alone.”, Holum meant every word that he said.
    Gollow knew Joti needed this. He said, “Yes, he is right Joti. You were not alone, I was swayed by the evidence too. It was just a bad time. Forgive yourself.”
    Joti was still feeling the guilt. She wanted to help make things better again. She picked herself up and said to Holum confidently, “I will resign first thing tomorrow. I want to join your leadership. Tell me what is the plan?”
    Holum smiled and replied back, “You will do no such thing. I want you two to be in the Union. A plan will be worked out soon enough, but meanwhile I want you to win over Francis completely. It is absolutely important that he trusts you both. Sacrifice whatever you have to, but make that happen.”, Holum insisted.
    Gollow nodded with excitement. His seemingly boring job now looked very exciting. He said, “I love working on secret projects.”
    “Be careful you two. Francis is not a fool and neither is Igogo. Trust no one.”, Ibu cautioned them.
    Joti and Gollow walked out of the cabin feeling much better than earlier.
    “No matter how bad the situation be, you feel good when you have friends by your side, don’t you?”, Joti asked.
    “Good to see you being optimistic again.”, Gollow replied.
    “Thanks Golli for putting up with me all this time. You were always there when I needed you.”, she said as they walked out of the lift on their level.
    Joti and Gollow kept walking towards their cabins. On their way back Joti seemed to be thinking hard about something. As they reached Joti’s cabin, Gollow prepared to wave her good night but Joti had some other plans. She tried dragging Gollow by his hand into her cabin. Gollow had no clue what was happening. He resisted.
    “Are you out of your mind?”, Gollow reacted as soon as he realised what Joti was trying to do.
    Joti seemed out of control. She was all over Gollow, trying to embrace him with both hands, right in the middle of the lobby.
    “I don’t think this is right, Joti. What if someone sees us this way? I cannot do this to Kevin.”, Gollow insisted, trying to pull her hands away.
    Joti was in no mood to let go. “I can’t hide the way I feel for you, Golli. Let everyone see.”, She said out loud. Then she leaned towards Gollow, bringing her lips near to his ears and said softly, “It is important that they see, you thick head.”

3. Igogo
    For Kevin, Mone was a lot different from Peele. The air was different, the ground was different, even the gravity was different. There were flying vehicles everywhere as if the skies were the highways. Thus the streets looked clean and safe for walking with

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