Embrace the Grim Reaper
thought. But this town? You’re going to stick around here for a while?”
    Casey shrugged. “You got a better idea?”
    Death ate the last bite of ice cream and gestured all around. “Clymer, Ohio. Who knows? It could be interesting.”
    Interesting. Casey sighed. That word again. When all she really wanted was a spate of plain old ordinary days.

Chapter Eight
    The Nesting Place was beautiful. Casey wouldn’t have been surprised to see flocks of birds fighting for control in the canopy of oak, maple, and sycamore trees. As it was, the yard—at least a double lot—was filled with shady woodland paths, and the freshly painted Queen Anne house sat like a blossom among the flowerbeds. Casey looked down at herself, glad she’d taken that shower at The Sleep Inn, no matter how quick and unsatisfying it had been.
    A four-door Honda Civic sat by the curb, its keys in full view on the driver’s seat, so Casey figured someone was home. Or the inn had a guest who was about ready to check out.
    Up on the porch the inside door to the house was open, with a screen door allowing a view into the heavily decorated foyer. Casey listened for any sound signifying that someone was home, and hearing nothing, pushed the doorbell. No response. Casey held her hand over her eyes and peered into the dark hallway. “Hello? Anybody home?”
    Footsteps sounded on the hardwood floor. “Coming, coming!” Casey heard the voice, but no person became visible until a few seconds later, when a swath of red billowed toward the door. “Is it locked? No? Come in, darling, it’s open.”
    The vision in scarlet swept the screen door open, her smile wide as she pulled Casey in by her wrist. “No need to ring, our door’s always open.”
    Casey stood frozen, speechless at the sight of this woman in a voluminous blood-red robe, her hair almost as bright, but much more orange. Her lipstick matched her hair, and heavy black lines outlined her eyes.
    “Uh,” Casey said. “Thank you.”
    “Were you looking for something, dear? Or someone?”
    “Well, I was looking for a room.”
    “This early in the morning? You’re done hiking for the day?” She took in Casey’s burden with a practiced glance.
    “Actually, I just came from a hotel and would like something…cleaner.”
    “Ah. The Sleep Inn? Whoever steered you there…” She waved a brightly manicured hand. “But no matter, we certainly have a place for you. No one else staying at the moment. Follow me and I’ll take you there directly. Lillian!” She yelled into the recesses of the house, startling Casey.
    “My partner,” the woman said in explanation. “Keeps the books, you know.” She led Casey toward the winding wooden staircase in the central hall. “Oh, well, you can do the paperwork later, when you’ve had a chance to settle in. I’ll take you up.”
    The second floor was as grand as the first, with shiny oak trim, high ceilings, and brocaded wallpaper. Casey struggled not to feel hemmed in, and was heartened by the natural light allowed through the tall windows. The woman led her down the hallway to an open doorway.
    “Here we are, darling. How would this suit you?”
    Casey stepped into the room. Decorated in dark greens, the room appeared surprisingly open, with a large window on each of the two outside walls, and a skylight in the slanted ceiling. The queen-sized bed was covered with pillows and a ruffly cover, and a roll-top desk graced the corner. A comfortable looking chair sat by a small table at one window, with a full bathroom on the other side.
    “It’s lovely,” Casey said. “How long is it free?”
    “As long as you want it. How long do you think that will be?”
    Casey set down her bag and walked over to a window, peering down into the yard. “I’m not sure. It could be just a night or two. Or it could be several weeks.”
    The woman blinked. “Well, I must say that’s refreshing. A young woman with a mind of her own. You just let us know day by day if

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