Enchant Me
one louder than before, and I silently agreed. I
could swear I saw his perfect little soul in his eyes, a soul with
a story. Then it hit me. My grandmother had gotten me a
familiar. I decided I didn’t care. I was madly in love with
him. He was perfect. The teddy bear of the cat world; everything
was round, his sweet little face, his paws, his gorgeous gold eyes,
and his fur was so soft and plush. He was special. 
    I rubbed my face against his. “Thanks
    “You’re welcome,” she said, getting up. “Make
sure you call your grandmother to thank her. I believe he was
pretty expensive” 
    Setting him down on the floor, I laid down
next to him and watched as he sniffed around. “I will. I think I
will call him Cody.”
    “You’re giving him a human name?” she asked
as she drifted into the kitchen.
    “Why? You think I should call him Fluffy or
Spot?” I asked, laughing.
    “No, but how about Stormy?”
    I rolled my eyes, I could see where she got
the inspiration, but no. I always thought one day when I had a son
I would call him Cody. Well, now I had a cat son. At least I didn’t
have to worry about puberty. “Sorry. But no.”
    “How about I just call him that when you’re
not home?” she called from the kitchen. 
    That got on my nerves. “How about
    I hated to think it, but I was glad to see
that she was grabbing an orange, her purse and heading back out the
door. “Alright, honey, I will see you later.”
    “Going to the gym?”
    “Yes and other things,” she replied evasively
while closing the door. 
    She must be meeting a man. I couldn’t imagine
any other reason why she would be so vague. Ever since my dad had
divorced her years ago, she had been alternatively men crazy and
scared of commitment. Every time she started to care about a man,
she would find some little thing wrong with him and break it off.
When I had attempted to point that out to her, we got into a huge
fight and ever since it was like there was an insurmountable wall
between us. Sighing I turned back to Cody. He was gone! I
leapt off the floor and started searching.
    “Cody!” I yelled, like he was an errant
    A series of pathetic mews came from behind
the bookcase. I bent down and saw his sad little golden eyes
peering at me. Somehow he had wedged himself between the wall and
shelf unit and thought he couldn’t get out. “You little
    I lifted him away and pressed him against my
face which got me a little soft paw pressing against my nose in
displeasure. At least his nails were sheathed. That was a good
sign. I put him in my room and closed the door. In a smaller room
at least it should be easier to find him. Putting his litter box in
the laundry room, I brought his toys and bowls into my bedroom. I
couldn’t see him again but by the snuffling sounds, I guessed he
was underneath my bed. Reminding myself of the mountain of
homework I had, I pulled my school bag over and sat on the floor
and started to work. Even though Cody was a distraction, just like
Christian he was one I was happy to have. 
    While I worked he would every so often come
up to me and butt his fuzzy little head against my hand. He was so
small that when I patted his head it would bob up and down. He was
so adorable that I couldn’t resist quickly picking him up, giving
him the fastest kiss possible, and setting him back down again
before he could protest. Eventually the floor started to get
uncomfortable, so I finally moved up to my daybed. Cody started to
cry then. I immediately looked over to see if he had somehow hurt
himself but he was just staring forlornly up at me and I realized
he wanted to be up with me. I reached down, picked him up and
then deposited him on the bed. Where he promptly circled a couple
times and then settled into a ball and fell swiftly to sleep.
Quietly, I edged off the bed and grabbed my camera. I took a
picture of him from every angle. I couldn’t wait until he woke up
again and I could

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