Enchant Me
take more to show off to my friends. I hope
Christian likes cats. I thought about what he had called me
yesterday. I think he does. 
    Through the afternoon and evening Cody seemed
to be interested in everything I did. Whether it was homework,
cooking or dancing, he followed me everywhere I went. The dancing
part was sketchy though. Being constantly underfoot, he barely
avoided being squashed a couple of times. I probably had a
hundred pictures of him before nightfall; Cody playing with a
string; Cody chewing on my shoes; more of Cody napping. That night
I went to sleep with the sound of soft purring in my ears and I
dreamed…of a beautiful, shadowy, dark man standing next to a fire
with a grey kitten in his arms. It was lovely. 

    I woke up the next morning to the feeling of
a slight, warm, weight pressing down on me, a soft vibration
reverberating through my chest. Popping open my eyes, I found Cody
staring up at me, quite comfortably relaxed on my ribcage, purring
away like crazy. Giving him a quick kiss and pat, I put him down on
the ground, figuring he wouldn’t think he could get down by
himself, and wandered over to my closet. Since skirts weren’t
really conducive to motor cycle riding, that was out. I wanted
something sexy, something that would totally floor
Christian…Following an unsuccessful search of what clothes were
left on hangers, I then dropped down on my knees and tore through
the other nights rejects still on the floor. It took a couple
minutes but I eventually found exactly what I needed. Christian,
watch out.
    After I had gotten to school and headed to my
first period math class, I wondered if I would be able to catch
Christian at his second period class or if I would have to wait
until lunch to tell him about Cody. Maybe he could come after
school to meet him. Apparently, I wasn’t going to have to wait at
all. Leaning against some lockers across from my classroom and
looking sexy in a white button up shirt that showed off his slight
tan and dark features, I watched fascinated as his eyes
possessively traveled from my head to my toes and back up again. I
almost forgot what I wanted to tell him. Practically skipping up to
him, I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then started to
rummage in my bag for my camera. Only to be scooped up in his arms
and pressed close. 
    “Good morning Alexis,” he murmured in my ear,
brushing a quick kiss across my lips. Oh. Apparently my
greeting had been a little too casual for his liking. I smiled
    “Good morning,” I breathed. “I had a great
time Saturday.”
    “Me too,” he agreed while releasing me.
    I could feel all the looks we were getting
but since I was sure they were mostly jealous, I ignored it. “Guess
what my grandmother gave me yesterday?”
    He smiled at my obvious excitement.
    “A kitten, a British Shorthair to be
    “What is that?”
    “I will show you, if you can come to my house
after school.”
    “Sure. It’s just, during lunch I have to work
on a project for science since the equipment I need is here, so I
won’t be able to see you until after school. Should we meet at your
bike then and I will follow you to your house?”
    “Yeah, that’s fine. I probably shouldn’t miss
lunch with my friends two days in a row or they will disown
    “We can’t have that.”
    The bell rang then and we both skittered off
to our classes. I vowed to pay more attention in class. I
wasn’t going to get accepted at the Brooks Institute for
Photography in Santa Barbara with bad grades. As much as I loved
Steilacoom I couldn’t wait to move to Santa Barbara. It was so
sunny and warm. The architecture of the old buildings, the gardens
and flowers, everything was so beautiful. I wondered for the first
time what Christian’s plans were for after graduation.
    At lunch I brought Tina and Becca up to date
on the latest with Christian, leaving out the naughty bits. I
didn’t need them to go into

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