round the corner and see Grim punching one of the three men as his arms are chained above his head.
    “Tell me where he is!” Grim shouts in anger. The Devil member doesn’t answer, instead he coughs up some dark blood onto the floor.
    “Now look what you’ve done.” I say as I step closer to my brother. “He’s got blood on the floor.”
    Grim smiles at me and then looks down at the bloodied man. “You’ve pissed my brother off.” I walk over to another of three men, he’s sat on the floor with his hand tied behind his back around a wooden post. His face is bloody and he looks as if he’s passed out.
    “You got any info yet?” I ask Baby.
    “No.” He frowns. “None of them are giving in, I think Grim’s going to take it up a notch.”
    “Good.” I nod. “Dad’s pissed and we need details.”
    “I’ll tell Grim, you see to BO.”
    “BO?” I ask him.
    “Yeah, the third member over there. He stinks of B.O so we named him BO.” Baby shrugs as he then walks over to where Grim is beating the shit out of the man tied up. I look to my right and see the third man sat on a chair, his hands and legs are all secured and he doesn’t look like he’s been touched yet. However when I walk closer to him I see how dirty he looks and his stench drifts up my nose.
    “Fuck you stink.” I frown down at him.
    “That’s not very nice.” Scrappy laughs as he joins me.
    “It’s the fucking truth.” I kick the man in the chair.
    “You spoke to Prez?” He asks as I survey the filthy bastard sat in front of me.
    “Yep and we need info.” I reply, thinking over what I should do to my new toy.
    I kick him until he looks up at me. “Where’s Strike?”
    BO smirks at me, still keeping quiet and I already makes me angry.
    “Where is Strike?” I growl, punching him square in the face. Scrappy winces beside me, everyone knows how good my right arm is but it doesn’t make the man chained in the chair talk. Already getting bored of his game, I walk over to the wall of many toys and get down my Dads’ favourite saw. I notice everyone looking over at me, I’m not that known for my mean streak like Grim but that’s because nothing major like this has ever happened to someone I care so much about.
    “You see this?” I ask BO as I stop in front of him. “This is my Dads’. It’s big and sturdy, you know why?”
    He doesn’t answer me, but I do see his Adams apple nervously bob up and down and his eyes are fixed on the saw in my hands.
    “It’s so it can almost cut through anything.” I grin down at him. “Shall we give it a try?” I don’t wait for an answer. I order Scrappy to hold his arm out and Baby runs over to hold BO still for me. I rest the saw just above his elbow and pause to ask him again.
    “Where’s Strike?” I ask, but again I get no answer. With a deep laugh, I turn and watch the saw as I dig it further into his skin. His screams fade away as I loose myself in the mission I’ve been handed.


    Two arms and one leg later, we have some information on Strike and we call it a night. By morning I very much doubt the Devil members will be alive anyway but at least we have some news on the fucker. I head straight to my room and shower. Grim can take care of getting the information to Dad. I don’t want anything belonging to that filthy bastard left on me any second longer. Plus, I know Natasha was hanging around earlier in the day, I don’t want her to see me in a bloody mess.
    I spot her through the window as she’s sat outside, alone. Taking advantage of the situation, I head straight for her. I haven’t properly spoken to her since I left her at Grim and Lauren’s place last night. I loved the flirty texts this morning though, shit they got me hard.
    “Hello beautiful.” I greet her from behind and take a seat next to her.
    “Devlin.” She greets with the most gorgeous smile. Shit, she’s got me deep.
    “Why you all alone?” I ask her.
    “Drew and Lauren will be back any

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