I need to rearrange this huge bulging hard on. I tuck my cock behind my belt as I turn from Natasha and when I look back I see she’s snickering at me, little minx.
    “I’ll catch you later.” I say, and kiss her on the forehead.
    It’s hard to walk away for two reasons, I don’t want to leave her and my cock!
    As I uncomfortably away from Natasha, I meet Lauren and Drew as they stare wide eyed.
    “Girls.” I greet them as I continue to walk by. I can’t help but laugh to myself at the shocked looks on their faces. I know for a fact that they saw our kiss and now I feel a little sorry for Natasha because I know they will be quizzing her all about it. However on the other hand, I like the fact that she will be talking about me.
    One thing’s for sure, I need to sort myself out before I walk into my Dads office.

“So how are the club bunnies behaving with you now that their leader has gone?” I ask Lauren.
    We’re sat in the clubs kitchen making some sandwiches, talking about Lauren’s first official day at Allure Magazine starts tomorrow and she’s freaking out. The conversation made me hungry so we moved into the kitchen.
    Lauren laughs. “Better now that Dyson is no longer here.”
    The sound of a sudden clang makes me jump. I quickly spin around with a hand clutching my heart to see what it was. I see Lauren frozen and her buttered knife fallen onto the floor.
    “Lauren?” I ask, walking closer to her.
    “Oh my god! I’m a horrible person.” Her eyes are wide and she looks pale.
    “What are you talking about?” I ask. “Of course you’re not.”
    “No I am.” She cries. “I’m joking about a woman’s death. Who would do that Tasha? Not a good person!”
    I quickly walk right up to her and hold her tightly. “No, I started it. Sorry it’s not your fault.”
    “You didn’t force me to say those things.” She sulks.
    “Look, at the end of the day she was a bitch to you and nearly got you killed. It wasn’t your fault that she ran to Demon.” I point out. That whore nearly got my best friend killed by the very men who ripped us from our lives before. I’m not sorry she’s not around anymore. I manage to calm her down and we eat our sandwiches together.
    “To answer your question, yes they do act different around me now.” Lauren adds when we have nearly finished our food.
    “I agree.” I reply. “They seemed to have calmed down on the bitching.”
    “And the sleeping around.” Lauren observes. “I wonder if Dyson told them to sleep around.”
    “Maybe.” I think it over. “I was talking to Maci the other day, she’s one of the bunnies, and she did hint that they are free do to as they choose now. Maybe she was secretly telling me that Dyson was a slave driver?”
    Lauren rises her eyebrows. “Wow.”
    We wash up after ourselves because Laura and June will kill us if they find out we were in the kitchen and left them dirty dishes. When we walk into the clubhouse main room, our theory is put to the test as some of the club whores walk by.
    “Hi.” Throttle smiles.
    “Hey.” Canyon adds as they walk by. Throttle, Canyon and Flex had known Dyson the whole time they were here so if anyone was going to be mean, it would be them.
    Lauren rises her eyebrows at me in response after saying her greetings to them. After all, Lauren has to make amends seeing as she’s with the VP. She can’t be holding her head high and act like she’s better than everyone else around here, even if she is better than some. When she’s top dog around here the women would want to feel like they can approach her just like they do with June and Laura now. However Lauren is a lot younger and I’m guessing some of the girls are already starting to warm up to Lauren more than they ever did with Laura, even if Laura is the current president’s wife.
    It seems like a nice day outside, so we decide to grab a table in the sunny outdoors and we’re not out here long when the bunny I was talking to earlier

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