Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)

Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) by LK Collins

Book: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) by LK Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: LK Collins
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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Let me see you today; we can talk through this.”
    I’m a little taken offguard by his change in attitude and sudden sweetness. This is the David I know, the one I first met and have desperately missed. This is the David who was my best friend. Clearly he’s not going to let this go easily and I’ve ruined things with Troy, so what do I have to lose? My heart aches for the budding relationship I had with Troy, but my head reminds me how lonely it gets without someone there to share life with. If only Troy could forgive me, but I have a feeling he doesn’t forgive these things easily; I’m the same way. Whether it’s a mistake or not, I decide that I will hear David out. Worst thing that can happen is I end things in person with him like I originally planned.
    “Where are you?”
    “In Denver, we crashed at Joey’s friend’s. I think it’s close to you.”
    I give him my address and directions. Then call him through the gate before I run into the bathroom and pull myself together. Hastily, I comb my thick, brown hair and apply a thin, natural layer of makeup. Then I dress in a pair of yoga pants and a teal tank top. As I walk out of my room the doorbell rings. I take a deep breath and answer it.
    Standing before me, David looks exhausted, strung out even. He has flowers in his hand and hugs me tight. As he releases me, I look into his eyes and he says, “Thank you for seeing me. You look beautiful.”
    I smile and lead him into the condo. I walk to the couch and sit down in the corner, putting as much distance as I can between us. I don’t really know what it is, but I know any doubts I had about us making things work are gone now. Just seeing him in person is enough to harden the last bit of softness my heart had for him. Regardless of how things work out with Troy, I need to break this off with David, for me. He sets the flowers down, taking the hint that I’m not going to take them from him, and sits next to me.
    I stare at him with wide eyes waiting for him to say something. “Don’t look at me like that,” he says.
    “I don’t know what you want from me. You had to have seen this coming. We barely talk anymore. You don’t have time for me, we never see each other, and quite frankly, you’ve changed. I go days on end without hearing a peep from you and then you get all manic trying to get ahold of me. What’s going on with you?”
    “I don’t know, love! I know I haven’t been myself, but I can change for you. I’ll stop playing poker if you want. I’m going to move down here and from this day forward you’ll be my number one priority.”
    I shake my head vigorously. “NO! That’s not what I want. That’s what you want!”
    “Please, Bridgette.”
    “David, stop! Just stop. Things aren’t going to work out with us. Whether you are here or there, my feelings aren’t the same. You’re not the same guy I met all those months ago. I can see it in your eyes – something’s different, something’s going on with you.”
    “Nothing’s going on with me. I’m the same guy! I love you, Bridgette.” He takes my hand in his and I pull it away.
    “Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. There are plenty of girls out there who would kill to be with you.”
    “I don’t want them. I want you,” he says with tears in his eyes.
    “I…my feelings have changed.”
    “It’s that Troy guy, isn’t it? You’re with him now, aren’t you?” he accuses in a harsh tone.
    “Not that it’s any of your business, but NO, I’m not with Troy. This has nothing to do with anyone except you. Please, David, just go.” I keep my voice firm to let him know I’m serious. I’m not backing down.
    “I’ll leave, Bridgette, but only because you’re mine and I love you. I don’t care what you say, but this isn’t finished. You’ll see that we belong together,” he says, leaning over me. Resting his hand on the arm of the couch, he’s inches from my face. I watch as anger blazes in his eyes

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