Evacuee Boys

Evacuee Boys by John E. Forbat

Book: Evacuee Boys by John E. Forbat Read Free Book Online
Authors: John E. Forbat
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assumptions – that it would be silly to camp in an open field where there are no shelters – is entirely incorrect and erroneous. Of course, when you are in a town with lots of houses and buildings, then if an air-raid occurs, your best policy is to stay in the house or go to a shelter and then you will be protected from flying glass and debris. In the country, however, the best thing to do is to go out into a field – far away from houses and be on the ground. Then you will not be hit by glass or debris. That is the reason why they make trenches in open places such as Hyde Park.
    We shall be camping (if you do not want us to go alone, we need not except when we are on a Troop or Patrol camp) in a field like that, where we shall be safer than anywhere else from aerial attack. It is doubtful whether a German bomber would waste bombs on an open field. The tents will be camouflaged so as to be invisible from the air, & so – if you refer to the cruelty of German airmen who machine-gun women and children – he will not even spot us. If where is a direct hit near us, it does not matter whether we are in a town or in the country or in a field, it will finish us off. THE CHANCES ARE THAT WE ARE LESS LIKELY TO BE HIT IN AN OPEN FIELD where there is no object in bombing or machine-gunning than in Melksham or any other places. Besides do you imagine that the Scouting authorities and the Ministry of Home Defence would permit camping if it was unsafe! Camping is prohibited within a certain radius of military objectives as I can safely say that we shall not be attacked & we are safer in the fields than in town.
    Up to now I have explained why you should not forbid me to camp. Now I shall say why it is important that you should send me camping, not keep me at home, as you know, my physique is weak, & I need as much open air, sunlight and exercise as I can get hold of, & I should never miss a chance of strengthening my muscles, expand my chest, & making me look more like a champ. You know that whenever I came back from camp I looked healthier & better than ever. Besides it will relieve the monotony of country-life, & of swotting for the Cambridge & it will give me a better chance to get on more friendly terms with other boys – another very important factor in my after-life. You know very well that you cannot get on without any friends, & I have no real friends up to now in the true meaning of the word. As a Patrol Leader, my presence is almost essential at a camp to set good example to other boys, to gain experience and to instruct recruits from the experience & knowledge I have gained.
    The camping ground is only 3½ miles from Melksham so we can cycle there in about 20 minutes at the most. I hope I have convinced you upon this point so I ask you to write saying that you give me & John permission to camp any time during the camping season, signed by one of you. THERE IS NO NEED FOR UNEASINESS OR ANXIETY on the matter as the Scoutmaster & other Scouts are quite proficient in A.R.P. [Air Raid Precautions] & first aid, the two factors which are most important nowadays. Remember this when you want to argue from the point of view that there are no shelters to protect us. – The use of shelters is for protection from flying glass & debris. In an open field far away from houses, glass & debris cannot reach you. In Melksham, there are no shelters that would protect you from direct hits so you are safer in the fields.
    By now you will have heard that Italy declared War on us, & I am just hoping that Hungary will keep out of it until she is invaded by Germany & she comes in with the allies. Otherwise I think it will only help us defeating Germany for Italian troops are not much good. I daresay in a few weeks time Mussolini will find it safer in Abyssinia than in Rome.
    Please send some money as soon as you can because I have the laundry to get out (2/8) & we have no money. There are other things to buy too, such as a new spoke for the bike

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