Eye of the Storm
under again, wishing to God he could see better in the murky water. Feeling his way around, he finally determined after several more dives that even if they couldn’t move, they probably wouldn’t sink. The salesman apparently hadn’t lied when he’d said this boat’s hull would stand up to a hurricane.
    Marcy huddled against the starboard side of the Lucky Lady , hugging both arms across her naked breasts. “Well?” she asked when he climbed aboard and joined her.
    “She’s safe enough. I doubt we can dislodge her before high tide, though. Go on below, you look like you’re about to freeze. I’ll be down as soon as I see if the radio’s working.”
    “I-I’ll wait for you.”
    “I said for you to go below. Do it. And put on one of my shirts. Drawer below the bunk.” He watched her until her blonde head disappeared through the cabin door.
    Treading lightly, Sam made his way to the cockpit and turned on the radio. The crackling noises sounded promising, and soon he made contact with a Coast Guard cutter searching for survivors from a wrecked fishing boat somewhere off Sarasota. “I’ll try to break us loose,” he said before setting down the microphone and firing up the starboard engine.
    “Sam?” Marcy poked her head through the cabin door, a worried frown on her face.
    “Stay down there. I’m going to try to rock us free. If I can, we’ll soon be on our way.”
    “But you got hold of help?”
    “No boat as big as a cutter will be able to get into this cove, and nobody’s likely to be manning Coast Guard auxiliary boats in this weather. We may or may not be able to get out of here, depending on whether the channel’s full of silt. But I’m going to try. We’ve got at least one good engine.”
    The Lucky Lady shuddered but didn’t move. Sam let out a curse, then shut down the engine and went below. “We might as well clean up. We might even find something to eat unless it got destroyed during the storm. We’re going to be here until high tide. At least.”
    “When’s that?”
    “Late this afternoon. If I can break her loose, I’ll take her over to what’s left of the dock and tie her up for the night. You’re going to be stuck with me at least another twenty-four hours. I’m not trying to navigate the Waterway at night, not with the debris that’s bound to be floating around.”
    Her expression softened, and she shot him a smile that reminded him of the old Marcy he’d loved so much. “I don’t mind. After all, you did come back for me.”
    “Yeah. I did at that.”
    * * * * *
    Fresh, cool water sluiced over her body and his in the tiny shower. Marcy didn’t mind, though usually tight places made her nervous. Sam’s presence drove away her fear, made her feel young and whole and…
    He lathered her breasts and pussy, following up by taking the showerhead and directing the soft spray on her most sensitive spots. “Hey, turn about’s fair play,” she said, taking the hose and spraying his crotch. He was hard, lusciously so.
    It took real effort for her to remember why she’d thrown him out…the loneliness when he’d held himself aloof, the humiliation of being accused of unfaithfulness while heartbroken over the loss of their baby. At least now she knew why, though she wasn’t at all sure the explanation should excuse him for having broken her heart.
    Decisions could wait. Now she had Sam, and she intended to enjoy every stolen moment until they returned to the real world—their separate lives. Handing him the showerhead to put away, she stepped out of the head and began to dry her body.
    “Let me.” Dripping wet, he took the towel from her and blotted away the water, his hands gentle—arousing. Warming her where she was cold, ever so gently, the way he used to when they’d bathed together in the small Miami apartment where they’d loved so deeply.
    In the past twenty-four hours they’d faced death and survived. Together. It seemed only right that they celebrate life

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