Falling for the Groomsman
sought out Christine. She’d been staring at him, so their gazes crashed in one hot, scorching collision. He froze, not daring to so much as move. Not when she was looking at him as if she wanted to get him naked now . When she turned her back on him, he looked away—only to find Logan watching him.
    When the drinks came, Logan looked away. He downed his shot, picked up the glasses of champagne, nodded, and then took off in Sophie’s direction.
    “Jesus,” Reed said, his frown back in place. “Is she going to eat anything herself?”
    “What?” Colt asked. “Who?”
    Reed startled, as if he hadn’t realized he spoke out loud, and picked up his drink. “Never mind.”
    Tyler cleared his throat. “Dude, you look like you’re about to drown a fluffy white kitten. Relax.”
    Reed snapped himself out of it, frowning even deeper. “I’ve gotta go.” He headed across the room without another word.
    Tyler shook his head and sat down beside Colt, who cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “So, uh, that was an interesting show to watch.”
    “Who? Reed and Julie? I know. It’s fucking—”
    “I wasn’t talking about them,” Colt said, rolling his eyes. “I meant the look you and Christine just exchanged.”
    Tyler picked up his drink and took a swig of Julie’s whiskey. It went down smooth. “Okay, maybe your math isn’t that far off.”
    “You think?”
    Tyler stared down at the amber liquid in his glass. “We’re playing a game of hard to get right now. Her more so than me.”
    “I bet something’s hard on you,” Colt muttered.
    Tyler scowled at him. “Fuck you.”
    “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Colt grinned. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be caught. Ever think of that?”
    “Oh, she wants to be caught.” He fished out his wallet. Time to pay his tab and socialize before Kady tracked him down and kicked his ass. “She’s just playing a game, but I’m determined to win the war.”
    Colt rubbed his jaw and stared across the room. “You might have to try a bit harder to convince her of that.”
    “Nah. I just need some more time.” After locating his card, he set it on the bar. “She’ll come around.”
    “Will she come around before or after she’s done with that guy?” Colt pointed at the door, where Christine was leaving with another man. Another man who looked way too happy to be at her side. Asshole. “Just wondering and all.”
    “Son of a bitch.” Tyler lurched to his feet in one smooth motion. “No fucking way.”
    Colt stopped him with a hand on his elbow. “Let her go. It’s all part of the game, right?”
    Tyler shook free of Colt’s grip but didn’t move. She would be gone before he could catch up to her, and he’d be damned before he literally chased her out the door. As she left, she shot him a cocky look over her shoulder, and as the door closed behind her he’d swear he saw her slide her hand into the other guy’s suit jacket.
    Tyler turned back to the bar and motioned the bartender over. “I’m going to need another drink or ten.”

Chapter Seven
    The tension in Christine’s shoulders increased as they neared the lodge. Her phone lit up and she glanced down at it.
    Where did you go, Red?
    Her heart sped up. He’d been texting her since she walked out of Spago with Joe, the guy she’d been halfheartedly flirting with after the Tyler incident at the bar, demanding to know where she was. She’d been ignoring him, but… Biting down on her lip, she jotted off a quick text.
    You want me that bad? Come find me, Doc.
    A short pause, then: You got it. Game on.
    A contradictory shiver crept up her spine. The man was good. Heck, even his texts made her want him. Please. You were never in the game in the first place.
    A reply came back within seconds, but she ignored it. Joe was commenting on the weather and she nodded politely, hoping he wouldn’t notice how distracted she was. He was some distant cousin of Colton’s—handsome, charming, and built like a

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