Family Ties
further embarrassment I mumbled, “Goodnight,” and tried to finish the hug. Our faces were inches apart and the last coherent thought I remember having was, What the hell?
    We kissed, and I stopped breathing. 
    Patrick’s hand, which had been resting on my shoulder, moved to the back of my neck, bringing me closer to him and deeper into the kiss. Not to be outdone, my arm misunderstood the brain signal that said “ Hug him around the neck ,” and took it to mean “ Wrap around his waist .” 
    Bad arm. 
    The kiss had started off as awkward and chaste, but what with all the neck caressing, pelvic pressing, and tongue, it soon became exploratory and, in a word, hot.  I was very much aware of how good it felt to have my hand pressed against the small of his back.  My legs felt like they were dissolving and, for fear of passing out on the kitchen floor mid lip-lock, I gathered the bottom of his tee shirt in my hand and held on for dear life. 
    In doing so I pulled some of his shirt free from the waistband of his jeans.  Patrick held both sides of my face with his hands and started to kiss down my neck.  Things got real hazy after that.  I could faintly make out the hum of the dishwasher, but realized quickly that the noise was actually my moans. The dishwasher kicked into rinse mode just as Patrick’s hands found their way under my shirt. The sudden noise jolted us and we broke apart, both breathing heavily.
    “Wow.” That was all he said and, even though there were dozens of thoughts rushing around my brain, “wow” seemed to sum things up quite nicely. 
    “I’m sorry.” I was not sure why I apologized and apparently neither was Patrick. He reached out to take my hand.
    I pulled my hand away.  “That shouldn’t have happened. I… had a little too much wine and I was upset, and you know, you were upset, and we just… this is the part where you saying something would really mean a lot. Like, save me from myself because I’m embarrassed and when I’m embarrassed I tend to babble—”
    In my head I could hear my own voice and I wanted it to stop. I was sober enough to know I was making a fool of myself, yet the words kept flowing. Patrick was looking at me with the oddest look on his face. Afraid that I’d discover the look to be a mixture of disappointment and pity, I tried not to decipher it.
    “So yeah, saying something right now would be great.”
    “Are you done?”
    I was so done he had no idea. I wanted nothing more than to run from the kitchen and pretend that the last few minutes hadn’t happened. Actually, if I could have gotten a do-over on the whole day that would have been perfect. All I managed to say was, “Yes.”
    “Good, but I’m not.”

Book three in the Sharing Space series will be available for Kindle download by November 8 th , 2013. Follow Nina Perez to stay updated on the latest news.
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