Fantastical Ramblings
chain. Her diaphanous gown hinted at luscious
curves, alternately revealing and hiding shapes and shadows with each movement.
    Katya swallowed her distress at the question. Long ago she
had been trained in such ways, schooled to escort kings and princes to state
dinners or to while away long hours in more pleasurable pursuits, but she kept
that training secret. An assassin with the skills of a courtesan was the sign
of Shi’in, and ever since the attack that eliminated the cult, being known as a
follower of the goddess of love and death was generally fatal.
    “A woman like you would make us both a fortune,” Sera Fillia
    “I have no need of your money,” Katya said quietly. She
sipped her tea, wondering how to broach the subject of her quest.
    “A man visited just an hour before your arrival. He
requested a private interview with Lady Kat.”
    “You employ the most beautiful and exotic women from all
over the world. What would a casual customer want with me?”
    “He did not say. Nor did he give the correct password to
indicate he needed your other services, whatever they are.” Sera Fillia sipped
her own tea, keenly observing Katya over the rim of her glass.
    “I have heard of this man. He seeks me throughout Jakarr. I
do not wish to meet him.” Katya set down her glass on the tray at her elbow and
rose to take her leave.
    “Then perhaps you will allow me to become your client?” Sera
Fillia’s artfully drawn eyebrows rose and her eyes opened wide; an expression
designed to project innocence.
    “What kind of assignment?” Katya sat down again.
    “One that will require all of your talents and intelligence.
It will, alas, take you far from our beloved Jakarr. Interested?”
    “I admit I am intrigued.”
    “I have in my employ a delightfully exotic young woman. Sha’awna
was born albino. Her colorless skin and hair attracts many men who tire of the
normal darker tones of local women, no matter how beautiful.” Sera Fillia drew
an arc with her graceful hand that encompassed Katya’s own body and coloring.
    “Albinos are rare. Unusual that they survive to adulthood. We
do not know if they suffer frailties of health or if superstitious parents and
priests remove them from the population,” Katya replied hesitantly.
    “True. Sha’awna’s father is the younger son of a younger son
of a minor royal house. He has little influence or money, outside his family. His
daughters, however, are beautiful and of royal blood. Many wealthy nobles and
highly placed merchants will pay highly to marry into such a family.”
    “But an albino is too exotic. She has no value to such a
family,” Katya finished the thought.
    The silence between them rested uneasily on Katya’s
    “Sha’awna’s parents apparently loved their daughter more
than many in their situation. Instead of allowing her to die after she went
blind, they sold her to me.”
    “If I did not know you as I do, and know the quality of your
house, I might be appalled.”
    Sera Fillia laughed heartily, her generous bosom bouncing
until the globes of silken skin nearly fell out of her brocade bodice.
    “What is the nature of this mission? Your Sha’awna seems
well placed for one of her affliction.”
    “Prince Kanto Branna of Miktarr has fallen in love with her
and wishes to make my Sha’awna his consort.”
    “I have never heard of Kanto Branna or of Miktarr,” Katya
said suspiciously. “Consort is a high position for a former courtesan, but a
lowly one for a man in love.”
    “Apparently he rules a tiny city lost in the jungles of the
northwest. He already has four wives, all political arrangements, and can take
no more according to the laws of his city and his god. So he will make Sha’awna
his consort. The contracts are signed. Vows exchanged and money transferred. All
that is left is for Sha’awna to travel to Miktarr.” Sera Fillia fluttered her
hands in a dismissive gesture.
    “I am surprised the prince did

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