Finding Forever

Finding Forever by Keisha Ervin

Book: Finding Forever by Keisha Ervin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Ervin
Tags: Fiction, General, Urban
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with the light from the moon as their guide. Their encounter was so intense it seemed as if it was their first time. After cumming numerous times, Whitney finally lost consciousness and drifted off to sleep.
    Koran couldn’t even join her. Trina blew up his phone the entire night. His voicemail was full of hysterical rants and raves. He wondered how he was gonna tell Whitney about Trina and Malik. They’d come so far, but once he revealed his secret everything would change. She was sure to leave him, this time maybe for good. Koran didn’t want to chance that. He couldn’t lose her twice. It would kill him.
    Yet telling the truth was the right thing to do. Whitney deserved nothing less. Koran looked down into her solemn sleeping face and grinned. Her beauty was irreplaceable. He could watch her sleep forever. She looked so at peace. The sheets rested comfortably, covering the lower half of her body leaving her top exposed. Just the sight of her perky brown breasts made his dick hard. Koran wanted nothing more than to suck each nipple until her back arched and she moaned his name. A smile suddenly appeared on her face, causing her dimples to shine like the sun. He wondered what she was dreaming about. He hoped it was of him.
    Koran checked the clock. Twenty minutes had passed. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to go soon. Koran never broke a promise, especially not the ones he made to Malik. He’d never done it before and he wasn’t going to start now, despite his feelings for Whitney.
    “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he said, ruffling her hair.
    “Hi,” Whitney covered her mouth in case her breath stank.
    “Yeah, you might wanna go and handle that,” he teased.
    “For real?” Her eyes grew wide.
    “Yeah, ’cause that smell is all bad.”
    “Oh my god.” Whitney rushed to get up.
    “I’m just fuckin’ wit you, ma.” Koran cracked up laughing.
    “You get on my nerves.” She hit him in the chest.
    “Nah, for real, I need to talk to you about something.”
    “About what?” Whitney pulled the covers over her. “Is it something serious?”
    “Yeah, but you gotta promise you won’t get mad.”
    “If it’s something bad I am going to get mad, so let’s just not talk about it. I don’t wanna hear any bad news right now.”
    “I understand that, but it’s important.”
    “Baby, please,” Whitney cooed, stroking his cheek. “Let’s just enjoy each other’s company. We haven’t been like this in years. Why spoil it?”
    Koran sat for a second and contemplated whether or not he should spill his guts and risk hurting his and Whitney’s relationship or keep quiet until the time was right. Koran decided that seeing Whitney smile was better than seeing her upset, so he kept his mouth shut.
    “A’ight, shorty, but I did want to tell you this Saturday a bunch of us are going to Nectar. I would pick you up, but I got some things I need to handle, so invite one of your girls and I’ll meet you there.”
    “You know I’ll be there.” Whitney rested her head on his shoulder and ran her fingers through the hair on his chest.
    Koran had the sickest physique. His skin was the perfect shade of copper, which highlighted his carefully crafted pecks. Whitney traced his nipples with her fingertips and then made a trail down to the six-pack of muscles covering his abdomen. They were like small mountain peaks. Naughty fantasies of her tongue replacing her finger clouded her mind. Her mouth watered from the thought. Flashes from the night before caused bolts of fire to explode in the pit of her stomach.
    Whitney missed his thrust, the way his hips wound in a circular motion. She ached for the way sweat beads dripped from him and onto her body like hot lava. She liked the bittersweet taste of his penis. Visions of it as it slid from between her breasts and into her mouth flashed before her eyes. It was time for round five.

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