Fire on the Water

Fire on the Water by Joe Dever Page B

Book: Fire on the Water by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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    Illustration XI —Lord-lieutenant Rhygar demands that they let you pass as you bear a royal dispatch.
    ‘If you do not care for reason, perhaps our swords will turn your tails,’ says Rhygar. He draws his sword, and orders his men to attack.
    If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 322 .
    If you wish to follow Rhygar, turn to 45 .
    If you do not want to attack the riders, turn to 277 .

    Although the delicious smell of the food is making your mouth water, you suspect that something is very wrong. You set the tray down by the door. Your hunger has made you tired, and you decide to take a short nap before meeting the others in the bar.
    When you awake, you see the bodies of two dead rats lying beside the food tray — they have been poisoned. The shock soon turns to anger when you realize that the poison was in the food intended for you.
    You grab your equipment and leave the room, intent on discovering your would-be assassin.
    Turn to 200 .

    You conclude that the crew are either blind or have no intention of rescuing you. The fishing boat continues on its course out to sea and, without seeming to notice you, disappears over the horizon. Pulling off a loose plank from the hatch cover, and using it as a makeshift oar, you set about paddling towards the shore.
    Turn to 337 .

    This street seems dirtier and smellier than the one you have just been down. The cluttered window of a shop to your left catches your attention. In the window are many useful items, all of which bear a price tag.
Sword — 4 Gold Crowns
Dagger — 2 Gold Crowns
Short Sword — 3 Gold Crowns
Warhammer — 6 Gold Crowns
Spear — 5 Gold Crowns
Mace — 4 Gold Crowns
Fur Blanket — 3 Gold Crowns
Backpack — 1 Gold Crown 9
    You may enter and purchase any of the above items. Remember to mark them on your Action Chart . When you have completed your purchases, you continue your way along Sage Street, towards the Ragadorn Bridge. This bridge is the only connection between the east and west sides of the port and you push your way through the crowds of people and carts. You find yourself in a rubbish-strewn thoroughfare known as East Trade Lane.

    Turn to 186 .
    [9] According to
Lone Wolf Club Newsletter #12
: ‘Realistically, you can only wear one Backpack at a time, and carry a maximum of eight Backpack Items (Special Items not included).’

    You must find shelter for the night or you will risk being arrested by the city guard. Your Kai sense tells you that the best course of action is to return to the tavern and ask the innkeeper for a room. Refreshed by a comfortable night's sleep, you can then make plans to reach Durenor first thing in the morning.
    Turn to 177 .

    As the Drakkar dies at your feet, the pirates falter at the sight of such a powerful warrior floored, and then flee to their sinking ship. Captain Kelman rallies his crew and leads them against the retreating enemy, driving them into the water with the fury of the attack.
Green Sceptre
pulls free of the pirate ship, which keels heavily to starboard.
    ‘Our thanks, Kai Lord.’ The captain grasps your hand. ‘We are proud and thankful to have you with us.’ A cheer resounds along the deck, and the crew voice their praise.
    You help tend the wounded whilst repairs are carried out to the damaged prow. Within the hour, the wind fills the sails and you are back on course for Durenor once more.
    Turn to 240 .

    As you race along the corpse-littered deck, two Drakkarim warriors emerge from a doorway and attack you by surprise. You must fight them one at a time.
    Drakkar 1: COMBAT SKILL  17    ENDURANCE  25
    Drakkar 2: COMBAT SKILL  16    ENDURANCE  26
    You may evade at any stage of the combat by diving into the sea. Turn to 286 .
    If you kill them both in combat, you can then jump to the deck of a nearby Durenese ship by turning to 120 .

    You are standing opposite a large building with a sign on the wall:

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