Fire on the Water

Fire on the Water by Joe Dever

Book: Fire on the Water by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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driver for the advice and jump to the cobblestones below. For the first time, you suddenly notice the awful stench of this dirty seaport. A rusty sign nailed to a rot-infested house says ‘Welcome to Ragadorn’.
    If you wish to go north along Westgate Lane, turn to 122 .
    If you wish to head south along West Bank Walk, turn to 323 .
    If you wish to head east into Axe Lane, turn to 257 .

    You spur the horse along the twisting village street across a wooden bridge and up a steep path towards the crest of the cove. In the light of the moon, you catch a glimpse of a signpost pointing eastwards.

    You ride all night without sleep. As the dawn breaks, you are greeted by a startling change of landscape. The barren Wildlands have given way to moors and waterlogged fens. And a dark shadow runs the length of the eastern horizon for as far as the eye can see. This is the Durenor Forest, the natural frontier of the mountain kingdom where it borders the untamed Wildlands. It is indeed a welcome sight.
    You are no more than a day's ride from Port Bax, but you are tired after your night ride and you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE Points. If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, you may use this skill to trap a wild moor-rat or marsh-bird for your breakfast. (You are leaving the Wildlands and heading into the Durenor Forest and may once again use Hunting to hunt for food.)
    After an hour's ride you come to a fork in the road. There is no signpost.
    If you wish to take the left fork, turn to 261 .
    If you wish to take the right fork, turn to 334 .

    After travelling a mile along the left track, you arrive at a long stone bridge. At first glance, the river that it crosses seems to be swollen and in danger of flooding the banks. Then you realize that this is the Rymerift. The waters of the Rymerift are two miles across at the widest point and over a mile deep for most of its length. Here, the land has slipped away and a natural gap has appeared separating Durenor from the rest of Magnamund.
    There is a signpost at the entrance to the stone bridge.
    Port Bax — 3 Miles
    You breathe a sigh of relief, for you are on the correct path and should be in the city within the hour.
    Turn to 265 .

    The driver becomes very angry and shouts, ‘There's a long walk ahead of you, stranger,’ as he slams the door in your face. You cannot afford to buy a room for the night, so you decide to bed down with the horses in the stable next door.
    Turn to 213 .

    The priest does not seem to be surprised by your attack, and he draws a black sword from beneath his robes.
    Priest: COMBAT SKILL  16    ENDURANCE  23
    If you win the combat, turn to 220 .

    You eventually come to a halt at the base of a huge fir tree. You try to stand, but the pain in your legs and side is so great that you collapse and lose consciousness. It is a sleep that will spare you the pain of the Helghast blades, but it is also a sleep from which there is no awakening.
    Your quest and your life end here.

    The shop appears to be empty. You wait and look at the merchandise for nearly five minutes, but still no one appears. You are about to leave when you notice a map hanging inside the door. It is a plan of the Port of Ragadorn. The Ragadorn stables and coach station is clearly marked near the east gate of the city. This is where land transport can be found to take you to Port Bax. You memorize the map route to the east gate and leave the shop. You run back to Axe Lane and turn east into Sage Street. At the end of this winding lane you arrive at the Ragadorn Bridge, the only connection between the east and west sides of the city. You push your way across the crowded bridge and run along the cobblestones of East Trade Lane.
    Turn to 186 .

    ‘We've a full sail and a sharp prow. There's not a warship on the northern seas that'll catch the
Green Sceptre
,’ says the captain.
    He is proved right, for the pirate ship soon disappears over the horizon.

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