
Firestorm by Kathleen Morgan Page A

Book: Firestorm by Kathleen Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Morgan
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy
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leader of the Sodalitas of the planet Moraca. I'm supposedly the other half of this little twosome headed to Incendra."
    He glanced down at her outstretched arm and buried his hands even deeper within the folds of his sleeves. "Please forgive what may seem to be my rudeness, but it isn't permitted for me to touch flesh with you. I have taken a vow of perpetual—"
    "Chastity." Raina finished the sentence for him and let her hand fall to her side. "Nonetheless, it was but a common courtesy, not meant as an initial overture of seduction," she continued dryly. "You monks are rather full of yourselves, if you imagine every woman schemes to take you to bed."
    "I am sorry if you see it so." Teague clamped down on his exasperation and forced a bland smile to his lips. Yes, there was definitely something about this female, and he wasn't so sure he liked whatever it was. "I meant no discourtesy."
    "No," Raina muttered, "I don't imagine you did. It matters little, at any rate. I cannot work with you on this mission. Either you must give it up, or I. One way or another, I'm not the partner for you."
    Her refusal intrigued him. He didn't want to work with her, either, but preferred that the rejection had come from him. He arched a dark blond brow. "Indeed? And why not?"
    "Isn't that obvious?" Raina's mouth twisted. "I'm a Sodalitas. I don't particularly like, and definitely don't trust, men."
    He smiled. "It seems our needs run parallel. I cannot work with females. It goes against my vows."
    "Fine." Raina nodded her agreement. "Then all that's left is to inform King Falkan of our decision."
    At that moment, the doorman, signaled by the loud, sonorous clang of a gong, turned and swung open the two tall doors. The intricately carved robur-wood panels parted to reveal the cavernous depths of the royal reception hall and the dais whereupon sat the king. Beside him stood Teran Ardane.
    Teague glanced down at Raina, who, even at her unusual height, was still a head shorter than he. "Shall we go, femina? The king awaits."
    Raina nodded and not even pausing for him to join her, headed out. Teague eyed her retreating back for an instant, then hurried after her. A cool head, a clear intent, a heart calm and gentle, he grimly intoned, prevail over all things, at all times . . .
    This time, however, the ancient saying failed to ease the rising irritation stirring within him. What was wrong with him that a complete stranger, one he'd met but a few minutes ago, could unsettle him so easily? Perhaps he was more distraught over his dilemma regarding Incendra than he'd first imagined.
    They drew up together before the royal throne and bowed. "Rise," King Falkan said. "I await the outcome of your decisions. Even now, time is passing, and each day we squander brings the Volans further and further into the Imperium."
    His gaze shifted to Teague. "Well, Brother Tremayne? Have you decided to join the mission?"
    "If you have need of me, Majesty, then yes, I will go to Incendra." Teague took a step forward. "But I cannot travel with a female. I have taken a vow to shun them and I cannot break it."
    Falkan smiled. "In most cases, I would never ask such a sacrilege of you, though I must admit," he said, his gaze skimming Raina, "that a femina as fetching as this one would tempt any man, be he vowed or not. But this is one case where an exception must be made. Step closer, Brother Tremayne. I have something to show you."
    He pulled a small scriptura pad from his sleeve and handed it to Teague. "I anticipated just such a problem and contacted Abbot Leone of the Monastery of Exsul. He has granted you a temporary dispensation from all your vows. He has also," Falkan added slyly, "ordered you to cooperate with me to the fullest extent."
    Teague accepted the metal pad with the computer generated-message from his abbot, a cold fear gripping his heart. There was no way out of it, then. He must obey, or risk disobeying not only the king, but his abbot—breaking his sacred

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