Flyaway / Windfall

Flyaway / Windfall by Desmond Bagley

Book: Flyaway / Windfall by Desmond Bagley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desmond Bagley
Tags: Fiction
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load. When she queried it I said that if I got knocked down in the street he’d have to take the lot. But this wasn’t the sort of knocking down I had in mind.’ I thought about Jack Ellis, then said, ‘It’s about time we made him a director, anyway. He’s become very good and we don’t want to lose him.’
    ‘I agree,’ said Charlie. ‘And I think old Brinton will. Max, when did you last take a holiday?’
    I grinned. ‘That’s a funny-sounding word. Maybe two years ago.’
    ‘It’s been four years,’ he said positively. ‘You’ve been knocking yourself out. My advice is to take some time off right now while you have a good enough excuse to foolyour subconscious. Take a trip to the Caribbean and soak up some sun for a couple of months.’
    I looked out of the window at the slanting rain. ‘Sounds good.’
    Charlie smiled. ‘The truth is I don’t want you around while Jack is finding his feet in a top job. You can be a pretty alarming bastard at times and it might be a bit inhibiting for him.’
    That made sense, and the more I thought about it the better it became. Gloria and I could go away and perhaps we could paper over some of the cracks in our marriage. I knew that, when a marriage is at breaking-point, the fault is rarely solely on one side, and my drive to set up the firm had certainly been a contributing factor. Perhaps I could do something to stick things together again.
    ‘I’ll think about it,’ I said. ‘But I’d better see Jack. There are one or two things he ought to know before he gets his feet wet.’
    Charlie’s face cracked into a pleased smile which faded as he said, ‘Who assaulted you, Max?’
    We kicked the Billson case around for a while and got nowhere. So Charlie left, promising to send Jack Ellis to see me.
    The really surprising visitor was Alix Aarvik.
    I gaped as she came in and then said, ‘Sit down, Miss Aarvik—you’ll excuse me if I don’t stand. I thought you were in Canada.’
    She sat in the leather club chair which Brinton had had installed for his own benefit. ‘I changed my mind,’ she said. ‘I turned down the job.’
    ‘Oh! Why?’
    She inspected me. ‘I’m sorry about what happened to you, Mr Stafford.’
    I laughed. By this time I was able to laugh without my ribs grinding together. ‘An occupational hazard.’
    Her face was serious. ‘Was it because of your enquiries about Paul?’
    ‘I can’t see how it could be.’
    ‘The police came to see me again. And some others who…weren’t ordinary police.’
    ‘Special Branch. Paul did work in a defence industry.’
    ‘I didn’t know what to think. They were so uncommunicative.’
    I nodded. ‘Their job is to ask questions, not to give answers. Besides, they revel in an aura of mystery. May I ask why you turned down the Canadian job?’
    She hesitated. ‘About a quarter of an hour after you left my flat I went out to post a letter. There was an ambulance not far from the street door and you were being put into it.’ She moistened her lips. ‘I thought you were dead.’
    I said slowly, ‘It must have given you a shock. I’m sorry.’
    There was a rigidity about her which betrayed extreme tension. She opened her mouth and swallowed as though the words would not come, then she made another attempt and said, ‘Did you see who attacked you?’
    The penny dropped. ‘It wasn’t your brother, if that’s what you mean.’
    She gave a long sigh and relaxed visibly. ‘I had to know,’ she said. ‘I couldn’t leave without knowing, and the police wouldn’t tell me anything.’
    I looked at her thoughtfully. ‘If you thought your brother might attack anyone homicidally you should have warned me.’
    ‘But I didn’t think that,’ she cried. ‘Not when we talked together. It was only afterwards, when I saw you in the ambulance, that it occurred to me.’
    I said, ‘I want the truth. Have you seen Paul since he disappeared?’
    ‘No, I haven’t—I haven’t.’ Her face was aflame

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