For Authentication Purposes
palm roll along the head and press her thumb under the curve. She’d be an expert at using both hands—kneading my balls and making me finish in her palm.
    The thought alone made me come on the wall, and I gasped under the spray, the water almost choking me with my head thrown back and fist slamming against the fiberglass.  
    I’d thought I was done, but the promise of what was to come wasn’t something I could get out of my head. I smoked a couple of cigarettes. I tried to start homework. I turned on a movie, but as soon as the actress went topless I was hard again picturing Dawn’s nipples and pouty lips parted from me being inside her.
    The second time I spanked it, I was on the couch. I reached into my boxers then settled in with some lube. I imagined she was wetter, tighter, that she would feel like heaven compared to the loneliness I’d been left with for the last year. It had been a very long time since I’d had my dick in anything other than my hand.
    That time I finished on my stomach and while I was satisfied, I hated the cleanup. I always swore I’d use a condom because it was easier, but they felt so impersonal. Even during self-love.
    The last time was this morning when I woke up because I knew I’d be seeing her to go shopping. That one had taken longer, and there was a lot to clean up. My sheets were already in the wash by the time I left. But damn if she didn’t make me hard again in her bedroom, begging to see my cock.  
    I should have asked her to kiss it. But I could be patient. I had to take my time if any of this was going to work.  
    Helping her buy a dildo was going to be a real test of my willpower.


    In the history of bad ideas, this had to be at the top of the list. Top five, at least. Sex toy shopping with Warner Green.
    Had I gone insane?
    He leaned away from me in his driver’s seat, driving with his right hand and knee while his left flicked his cigarette out the window. After blowing a quick burst of smoke from his nose, he turned and addressed me. “So what made you decide to write what you were writing?”
    I sighed and looked through the windshield to avoid the scrutiny in his eyes. “I guess the ocean just seemed romantic. The basis of the story was that . . .”
    “Vlad was still alive and coming back for her, making it all good that she had waited the entire time, right?”
    Closing my eyes, I slumped in my seat and groaned. “Now you’re telling me that I’m unoriginal?”
    Warner chuckled a little. “I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I just want you to think outside the box, that’s all.”
    “Well this trip to a porn shop should help.” I snorted.
    “Um, I did want to ask you something. Does your Iris work in a bar?”
    “Like a beer wench?”
    He choked on smoke. “Sure. Why not? Is she serving whiskey and wine? I’m just wondering if she listens to the sailors as they tell their sailor stories. If she wears a chain made from the finest silver from the North of Spain. Did Vlad tell her she’d make a fine wife, but that his life, his love, his lady, is the sea?”
    I shifted in my seat to look him over. “No, but that was very poetic.”
    “It’s a song from the sixties, Bunny. Come on. ‘Brandy’? By Looking Glass? Are you serious? I guess I’ll have to broaden your horizons in music, too.”
    “Oh, so now I’m stealing shit from before I was even born?”
    He made a face as if to say, ‘I didn’t say that.’ But he damn well implied it.  
    By the time he pulled into the parking lot of our destination, I was up in arms again. Irritated and feeling less than stellar. I was so flustered by him and the situation altogether. And the posters on the walls of the store were not helping my situation at all.
    “Stop staring at me,” I whispered to the poster of a girl squatting in translucent heels. Her eyes were following me across the store, and I wanted to run back out into the parking lot.
    But then something weird happened.

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