Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1)
exactly what’s going on other than the man who killed my mother is going to be hunting for me, but I don’t want anyone getting hurt. You have a lot of kids here and I would never forgive myself if something happened to someone because of me.”
    Slowly, Garrett got up and walked around the small island stopping in front of Janna. Leaning down slightly, he lifted her chin with one knuckle bringing her gaze to his. “No one comes into my town to harm or take anything from me or my people. That includes you.” He leaned in closer, breathing deeply. “Trust me, Janna.”
    All Janna could do was give one short nod. When he didn’t attempt to move, she cleared her throat, her eyes plastered to his. “I do.”
    Rubbing his thumb against the softness of her chin, he slowly let go. “Good, because nothing will happen to you under my protection.”
    Janna let her breath out as he turned away. Finally, she looked away from him as he cleaned up the kitchen, and down to her half-eaten meal. Her appetite was gone, at least her appetite for food. It seemed like her body had a different appetite in mind as did her beast, who woke up full force. Grabbing her plate, she dumped the remains in the trash and helped him finish cleaning up in silence. Once it was all done, she turned to see him staring at her.
    “I guess I need to see Jonah.” Her voice indicated it was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment.
    “Not tonight.” He reached down grabbing her bag she dropped. “I’ve a guest room upstairs. You need to rest.”
    Sighing, Janna nodded, happy hearing those words. Rest was something she hadn’t been able to do much of lately. She could fight him about staying here, but she wasn’t going to. She spent enough nights sleeping in her car, and a hot shower with a bed sounded too good to pass up. She was too tired to fight. “I would kill for a shower.”
    Garrett turned as he led her out of the kitchen to a set of stairs. His eyes ran down her body with a heat she actually felt.
    “Well, I wouldn’t actually kill, but…” When he grinned and continued up the steps, Janna rolled her eyes at herself. Sometimes, it was just best if she kept her mouth closed.
    Once at the top of the steps, he pointed down one end of the hallway. “The bathroom is down there with towels in the small closet.” He opened up a door leading into a small room with a bed and night table. It could definitely use a woman’s touch. He set her bag on the bed. “If you need anything, just yell.”
    When he turned toward her, Janna realized just how small the room was with him inside it. She tried to calm her breathing as he stood staring at her, probably waiting for her to say something. “Listen, I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”
    “I haven’t done much.” Garrett actually looked a little embarrassed as he eased his way out of the room. “Get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be busy.”
    Janna nodded and watched him leave, shutting the door behind him. Loneliness surrounded her like a heavy cloak as the door closed, leaving her standing there staring. Biting her lip to keep from calling out to a man she hardly knew at all, she went to her bag, pulling her clothes and toothbrush out. This was ridiculous. Maybe it was just because he made her feel safe that she felt this toward him. She just wondered what it was exactly she felt toward him, as she stood staring at her stuff. With a huff, she grabbed some clothes and headed for the shower. She was tired and needed sleep. She would be over this fascination she seemed to have developed for Garrett Foster, but as she walked into the hall, she looked around, hoping to see him near.

    Jasper Simone sat at the bar watching his bartender keep the customers happy with watered down whiskey and old beer. His club was always busy. It was the only dance club within miles so no one complained about the light whiskey taste of the drinks, and if they did, his security would just

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