Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1)
kick them out. His son, Evan, walked through the crowd pushing someone off the stool next to Jasper.
    “That was a customer.” Jasper watched his son drink from the customer’s shot glass.
    “Since when did you care about customers other than their money?” Evan Simone slammed the glass on the bar, indicating to the bartender to get her ass in gear and pour him another, which she did. With a smile, she leaned down low enough for Evan and Jasper to get a good view of her breasts spilling from her tight top.
    Jasper raised his eyebrows at his son’s words, but never took his eyes off the young woman’s full tits, which was a requirement of all the women working at the Liquid Kitty Dance Club. “What are you doing here?” Jasper took a drink of his own shot before the girl could walk away. “I gave you a job to do.”
    “And I did it.” Evan frowned at his father. “Just like I do every job you give me.”
    “You found her?” Jasper’s full attention turned to his Evan. “Where? And is she with Jonah McCall?” He knew that bitch Virginia knew where Jonah was, but even as she held her own fate in her hands, she wouldn’t give him up. His only hope was that she would send her daughter to him, thinking he would keep her safe.
    “She’s in Beattyville, Kentucky.” Evan grinned, but there was nothing happy about his grin. It ran more along the lines of evil anticipation.
    “Where the fuck is that?” Jasper downed his last shot, pushing the glass away and shaking his head when the bartender went to fill it again.
    “Eastern Kentucky and I’m not sure about Jonah.” Evan held up his hand before his dad could bitch him out. “Nate couldn’t get too close. She’s found a pack down there run by an alpha named Garrett Foster, but I’m sure Jonah’s there.”
    “He better fucking be,” Jasper growled, his eyes glowing bright. “I want that son of a bitch to suffer.”
    “Don’t you think killing his mate did that job?” Evan asked, but knew the answer by the look on his father’s face.
    “I want that bastard to suffer for the rest of his life,” Jasper sneered loudly, drawing attention to some who dared to look his way. “No one makes a fool of me.”
    “The girl is mine for the Reaping. She has my brand.” Evan warned his dad, but then shrunk back when Jasper grabbed him around the throat before he could even move.
    “I run this show, you little piece of shit.” Jasper’s face was inches from his son’s. “Don’t fucking push me. Do you understand?” When Evan nodded, Jasper pushed him away by the throat.
    “There may be a problem.” Evan changed the subject of the Reaping. “This Garrett Foster and his brothers are known bad asses in that part of Kentucky. No one has ever challenged him for the pack.”
    “Then I guess you better pray you’re a bigger badass.” Jasper stood, looking down at his son. “It’s time you branch off and get your own pack, instead of running with mine. With bigger numbers, we will dominate not only Ohio, but Kentucky as well. And keep it quiet what pack we are going up against. I don’t want the others knowing.”
    “I’m ready.” Evan’s chest puffed out, his eyes bright with excitement. “Garrett Foster don’t have a clue what’s coming. He’s probably just some hick alpha.”
    Jasper grinned as he turned to leave the bar. “You better hope so, son. ‘Cause if you lose the challenge, you can find another pack to run with.”
    Evan watched his father go, a flash of fear and determination crossing his face. Turning, he yelled for another shot of whiskey.
    Thunder rattled the house startling Janna out of a sound deep sleep. She sat straight up in bed soaked. She looked up at the ceiling thinking there was a leak, but then her sleep-fogged mind cleared as she remembered not only what she was, but where she was. She was tangled in the covers, indicating she hadn’t really been sleeping soundly, but had been tossing and turning. Her beast

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