Foxy Lady
Oh, the stubborn man could say what he wanted, but Gabby knew love when she saw it. Ty had it bad, he just hadn’t admitted it to himself. Maybe Gabby should help him. Hadn’t she convinced Meghan to follow her heart? Even if it was all the way out here to Nowhere?
    “The one thing I don’t get, Jason, is how different you are from your family,” she said to diffuse the tension.
    Everyone turned to Jason, who fidgeted. He was so cute. No wonder Meghan had fallen for him. Short blond hair, twinkling blue eyes and a warm smile he had specially for her little sister. Why couldn’t Julia see the way the two leaned into each other so naturally?
    Jason laughed with self-deprecation. “Don’t think too badly of my family. I know they’re out there. Problem is, my dad’s a throwback. He’s a chauvinist and doesn’t care who knows it. I have no idea why, but Mom loves him.”
    Meghan chimed in, “I like your mom. She’s been so nice to me.” Gabby noticed she didn’t mention his dad.
    Jason grinned. “ Mom is great, yeah. But Dad… Where do you think Ned gets his charm?” he asked with sarcasm. “In case any of you are wondering, Meghan and I are not going to live here. We’re just visiting this last time to please my mother. Then Meghan and I are settling down in Seattle. Trust me, it’s far enough away my family will never visit. They don’t leave Nowhere. Ever.”
    “Good,” Julia muttered.
    “Julia, that wasn’t nice,” Ty chided, teasing.
    Jason looked at Meghan. “So, in Seattle, I was thinking we could find a house in Queen Anne. My business is really taking off.”
    Meghan gave him a wide smile. “Queen Anne or Greenlake. Sounds perfect to me. What do you guys think?”
    “Cougar Falls,” Julia and Ty said at the same time.
    “I vote for home too, but that’s just my opinion. You know what they say, Meghan.” Gabby turned a toothy smile on Julia and Ty. “Home is where the heart is.”

    The next night, sitting in the backseat of Jason’s truck with Ty and Gabby, Julia grimaced as they drew closer to the Williams’ homestead. On twenty acres of land surrounded by extended family property, Ned Sr. and Matilda Williams might as well have started their own town. Visions of a compound run by rednecks and Shifter killers haunted her, until Ty slid his finger along her cheek.
    “Relax, honey. No one there’s going to eat you. Now me, on the other hand…”
    She huffed and shook her head, but she felt better all the same.
    “Don’t worry, Julia. Tilda’s really nice. And you have Ty to protect you from Ned,” Meghan offered from the front seat, sitting next to Jason.
    “Great,” Julia muttered.
    She would have preferred to drive her own vehicle, or at least ridden with Ty in his. But as she’d expected, Nowhere had suddenly run dry of rubber. No tires to be found for her SUV or Ty’s truck, not until after next week. After the reunion Ned had insisted she attend.
    Not liking his bullying any more now than she had before, she responded to Meghan with bite. “I don’t need Ty’s protection. I’ve been handling Ned just fine by myself.”
    Jason cleared his throat. “Ah, Julia, I hate to say it, but Meghan’s right. Ned’s been telling people left and right that you’re his.”
    “That’s crazy. Does he really think he can force me to be his girlfriend?”
    “I think so.”
    “How? By threatening my sisters?” Ned had no idea what he was getting into if he did. Julia possessed very sharp teeth she didn’t mind using.
    “Not at all,” Jason answered, but he didn’t sound so sure. “I’d never let him hurt Meghan or any of you.”
    “If you could stop him,” Ty added. “No offense, Jason. But your brother’s an asshole. Soon as this little side trip tonight is done, we’re leaving.”
    Julia bristled at him speaking for her, but Gabby grabbed her arm and tightened her fingers. “Fine. But only because I’m more than ready to leave.”
    Jason sighed. “That might be

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