Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)

Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) by Avery Gale

Book: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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charities love it. Maybe we can get Nate to set up something like that here. There are a lot of worthy organizations in the area.”
    Once Nate wrapped up the discussion about the limits list, Phoenix watched him lean back in his chair as he studied Aspen. Nate intimidated most submissives; they found his careful consideration unnerving. But Aspen’s years in the military had obviously exposed her to plenty of Alpha males because so far she hadn’t appeared nervous in his presence. It will be interesting to see if she is able to remain this distant when Mitch and I are involved.

    Aspen had never been so nervous in her entire life. Even the first few times she’d dodged surface to air fire, she hadn’t been this apprehensive. Of course, she’d spent hundreds of hours in flight simulators training for those circumstances, and she was fairly certain that wasn’t an option for this interview. Yeah, she could just picture how that particular simulator might work, asking all sorts of intimate questions…holy hell.
    Nate Ledek now knew more about her sex life than her gynecologist. Yeah and he’ll likely be seeing more of your pink bits than your doc, too. Damn, she’d like to smack her inner diva sometimes, the wench had a smart mouth and was as disrespectful as they came. And she liked to highjack Aspen’s mouth every now and then, causing far more trouble than she was worth.
    “I’d love to be able to listen in on those conversations you have with yourself. I suspect that is something your Masters will address in short order.” Nate’s voice was pitched lower, and there was something in the tone that brought her back to the moment in short order. She felt as if she’d been yanked back to the present and it took a minute to reorient herself to their conversation.
    “Masters? As in more than one?” She hoped her voice hadn’t given her away, but judging from the sly smile on his face it was probably safe to assume it had. After seeing so many of her friends in polyamorous relationships, she’d stopped wondering how she would ever be able to choose between the two men she’d secretly claimed as her own, and started wondering what it would be like to be between them.
    Nate didn’t answer, but his slow nod told her everything she needed to know. For a split second, she allowed herself to imagine Phoenix Morgan and Mitch Ames sitting on the other side of the glass. But she quickly pushed the thought aside. They didn’t even know who she was, so why would they be there? Unless they were looking for a woman to share and her namesake had decided to intervene. After all, Athena was the goddess of war and strategy. Laughing at her own nonsense, Aspen refocused on the conversation with Nate.

    Watching through the scope of his rifle as Captain Andrews walked down the front steps of Montana’s most popular kink club, Barry Orman didn’t bother holding back his smile. He’d wondered how long it would be before she moved into position. This is fucking perfect.
    There’d never been any doubt in his mind that she’d eventually run to Montana. Athena’s on-line banter with the game developer and his friend had to have set some sort of world record for longest verbal foreplay in history. Barry hadn’t been the only one who’d noticed, other gamers had been speculating about the relationship in private chat groups for months.
    Everyone wondered which man she’d end up with. But, he’d had done his homework. He knew about her friends and their ménage lifestyles. Hell, he wasn’t judging—what did he care if two dudes wanted to fuck the same woman? If they didn’t care that nothing separated their cocks but a thin membrane, why should he?
    No, Barry’s goal was to make Phoenix Morgan suffer like he’d suffered—the fucker had stolen his future. Barry lost everything because of Morgan’s God damned report. How the bastard managed to dig up all the dirt from Barry’s past was still a mystery. Fucking hell, his

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