Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4)

Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) by Avery Gale Page A

Book: Game On (The Morgan Brothers Book 4) by Avery Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Gale
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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parents had paid millions to suppress those police reports. But it wouldn’t be a problem much longer.
    As soon as Morgan fucked Captain Hot Pants, he’d be hooked and then Barry would set his plan into motion. Oh yeah, doing your homework definitely paid off in a lot of ways. He knew exactly how the Morgan brothers operated. There wasn’t anything they wouldn’t do for their women, and Phoenix wouldn’t be any different. He’d change that report and sweep all the dirt back under the rug to get his woman back. Oh, he’ll get her back all right, one fucking piece at a time.

    Aspen felt him the minute she stepped out of the club. She hesitated briefly, turning back as if listening to someone inside even though Nate hadn’t walked her all the way to the door. He’d been distracted by a phone call, and she’d just waved, then moved on alone. Even though she’d never met Phoenix’s stalker, she recognized the energy immediately. Leaning back, pretending to sweep her heavy fall of hair off her shoulders as she pulled her sunglasses from her purse, Aspen took in her surroundings.
    There were two different hilltops high enough to afford a sniper a clear shot, she’d check them both out later this evening. But there was something odd about the energy she was picking up, the danger seemed to be shifting from Phoenix to her. Whoever it was had a clear shot and had since the moment she’d stepped out onto the club’s wide stone stairway. If he hadn’t already dropped her, he wasn’t going to…at least not yet. Why would he be watching me? What purpose does that serve?
    Making her way to her car, Aspen made sure her body language didn’t betray her awareness of his presence. She didn’t want to do anything that would tipoff the stalker, it was hard to anticipate how he might react if he knew she’d felt him watching her. Once she’d gotten in her car, she started to shake and could barely get the key in the ignition. Reaching for her phone, she did what she’d done since she was a kid anytime something went wrong, she dialed her friends.
    The three of them had once complained that she always called Kent, so she’d designed an app that rotated their number in random patterns. Today, it was Jax whose number appeared on her screen, and he answered on the first ring. “Hey beautiful, what’s up?” His casual tone sounded a little more forced than usual, and it brought a smile to her face. No doubt he assumed she was calling about them allowing a couple of Doms to sit in on her interview. When she didn’t answer immediately, he spoke again, this time, his voice filled with concern. “Aspen? Are you all right?”
    Giving herself a mental shake when she heard Kyle and Kent’s voices in the background, Aspen finally found her words. “Yes, well…yes and no. Someone is watching me. I just left Mountain Mastery, oh, you already knew that didn’t you?” Suddenly her brain found another outlet for all the fear and anger she was feeling. “We’re going to be having a long chat about that, too, don’t think we’re not. You guys are taking this over-protective brother routine too far; don’t you think?”
    “No, I don’t think so.” Jax’s flat tone made it clear that particular topic was not open for discussion. Pompous ass. “What do you mean someone is watching you? Tell me, now.” She heard Kyle cursing in the background and knew if she didn’t get out of the parking lot quickly, Nate would be running out the front door to stop her. Once her pals dropped a net over her, she’d have a hell of a time getting out from under their thumbs.
    Turning the key, her car purred to life. She heard Kyle’s voice in the background, snarling, “Tell her to stay right where she is, or I’ll paddle her ass myself.” Damn. She hadn’t even put the car in gear when it suddenly shut off. Seriously?
    “Damnit, tell Micah to knock it off.” Jax’s business partner, Micah Drake was the only person Aspen knew, aside

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