Sydney airport, I found a spot and parked the car. Turning off the ignition, I sat back in my seat and took a deep breath as I stared out the windshield. Travellers mov ed at a rapid pace, wheeling their suitcases between cars and over the pedestrian crossings.
“I’m not just looking to get laid. That’s the problem.”
Travis furrowed his brow. “I don’t get it.”
Yanking the keys, I got out of the car. Travis followed and I beeped the locks, shoving the keys in my jeans ’ pocket. “She works cybercrime now,” I reminded him as we strode towards the building entrance. “You know how closed off those tech cops are.”
After a moment, he mumbled, “Ah hell. You think by fucking her, she might be willing to instigate a search for the wiped information.”
“No one else will do it,” I bitched. “As far as everyone else is concerned, the case was closed and the missing files are just one of those things that happen.”
The pileup of cars waiting for pedestrians to cross was long. We both jogged over the crossing and towards the front doors. They whooshed open automatically, emitting cool air as we strode inside.
“Let it go, Casey. It’s in the past. You can’t change it or fix it , and getting Morgan involved is going to make it all worse.”
Anger burned in my chest. I grabbed his bicep, effectively halting him, and looked him in the eye. “Fuck you, Trav.” My jaw ticked as I fought to lock the resentment down. “It’s not that simple. How can I let go when I’ve lost everything already? If I had answers, then maybe I …”
I, what? Could move on? Forgive myself ?
“You could what?”
I shook my head and started walking again. “Let’s just collect whoever the hell it is we’re here to collect, okay?”
In tense silence, we arrived at the gate and waited as passengers started flowing out. That was when I saw her walking directly towards us, a guitar case slung casually over her back.
“Jesus,” I breathed, standing beside Travis as I took in the deep red tangle of hair flowing down her back and colourful tattoo that wound around the length of her bare arm and shoulder. Tiny black leather shorts displayed long slender legs that strode towards us with purpose. The blood in my veins heated as I fixed on her. My mind immediately had me bending her over from behind, pulling on that wild mass of hair, and yanking her head back as I thrust inside her, over and over. “Do you think that’s her?”
Travis checked the photo Quinn messaged through to his phone so we’d recognise who we were collecting. “I think so.”
She appeared oblivious to the people craning their necks to get a second glimpse of her, absorbed in her phone as her finger scrolled down its screen. For a second she glanced up and it was like getting punched in the gut. The girl wasn’t just beautiful—she was shock and awe. Her eyes locked on mine for a split second. They were a wild, stormy blue, and immediately I imagined her on her knees, those wide eyes staring up at me as I fucked her mouth.
Who was I kidding? I’d have had her any which way. All I needed was a plan on how to go about it.
I glanced at Travis. “Who is she?”
“Henry’s sister apparently.”
Henry wasn’t just lead guitarist for Jamieson, he was a friend. That instantly turned her from a quick fuck into a complication. Hell hath no fury like a brother protecting the virtue of his little sister. He would hack off my balls with a rusty spoon.
Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, I silently chanted, reminding myself that I had no business building a harem, but my eyes were locked on her and wouldn’t budge. “What did Quinn say her name was?”
Travis checked his phone again. “Grace.”
Grace was … suddenly shouting into her phone. Her bag dropped at her feet as hurt and anger collided violently in her eyes. The abrupt disturbance began attracting attention. The general public began giving her a wide berth as they moved past. I heard her
Glynn Stewart
Winston Groom
Kevin J. Anderson, Doug Beason
Rachel Leigh
David Brin
N.J. Walters
N.C. East
R. D. Wingfield
Paul Kane
Elia Mirca