
Glyphbinder by T. Eric Bakutis Page A

Book: Glyphbinder by T. Eric Bakutis Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Eric Bakutis
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
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    “Who did they choose?”
    “Please.” Kara huffed. “I’m smiling, aren’t I?”
    Sera flung herself across the room, throwing her arms around Kara and knocking her down. Laughing. Her friend hugged her and Kara hugged her back, laughing as well. Nothing could be better.
    Sera beamed at her. “I knew they would choose you. I knew it all along.”
    “Sure you did. You read their minds.”
    “I’d never do that, but I knew you deserved it.”
    Kara knew then she had done something wrong. “What is it?”
    “I…” Sera sat up. “I’ve been tutoring Aryn. For over five years.”
    Kara didn’t say anything. She couldn’t, not right then. It was common for advanced students to tutor those who struggled with their studies at Solyr, and Jair tutored students all the time. So why did Sera’s admission cause such hurt?
    Sera sat on Kara’s bed and waited for judgment. Kara didn’t know how to judge her, didn’t think she deserved to. Yet she had to say something. Do something other than stare.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?” Kara asked finally.
    “There was no reason to, not at first. After you and Aryn began competing for royal apprentice, I was afraid you’d make me choose between you.”
    “I’d never—“
    “I couldn’t do that. Aryn needed someone who wasn’t interested in his money, someone he could trust. We trust each other. Aryn and I were friends long before we came to Solyr, you know.”
    “I didn’t know, but it’s okay.”
    “His father sent Aryn to visit my family in Cyan every summer. We were just children then, but something about him … he just entranced me. Aryn wasn’t always as hard as he is today. There’s a kind man in him somewhere, hidden away where we can’t see. We were very close as children, before we both came to Solyr.”
    Kara didn’t say anything else, and Sera seemed content to remain the only voice in the room. Kara tried to imagine Aryn when he was little, laughing, playing with Sera. Being a playful child and not a spoiled prick. She imagined as hard as she could.
    “You remember when we met?” Sera asked. “At Elder Cantrall’s dream sessions? You and Aryn were at each other’s throats even then. I liked you, but I didn’t know how you’d react.”
    “I wouldn’t have cared.”
    “I know that now, but I didn’t then. I don’t like confrontation, and once we became friends I didn’t tell you because I was ashamed of never mentioning it. It didn’t seem like it mattered, not until you started competing, and then what could I say?”
    “Stop,” Kara said. “This doesn’t matter.”
    “I was tutoring Aryn long before you two began competing.” Sera didn’t stop. “I thought about quitting, but he needed me. If I’d not helped him he would have flunked out, yet I kept thinking … what if he beats you? What if they nominate him as royal apprentice? It would be my fault.”             
    “That’s silly. You didn’t—”
    “It’s over now,” Sera interrupted, and she did a lot of that when she needed to say something. “You’ve won your nomination and Aryn will graduate as a certified Firebrand. So please, don’t be angry with him. I know he’s difficult, but you’ve only seen one side of him, and it’s not his best. I understand, though, if you’re angry with me.”
    Kara gripped Sera’s arms. “Now you’re just being dense. You and Byn are my best friends in Solyr, my only friends.”
    “I don’t expect you to forgive me for lying to you all this time.”
    “An omission’s not really a lie, and sure, you helped him. You’d help anyone who asked, with your soft heart as big as it is. You’re my best friend no matter what. So stop being a moron about this.”
    “I should have known you’d understand.”
    “Yes, you should have.”
    “I won’t be a moron anymore.”
    Kara chuckled for Sera’s benefit and gave her a squeeze. All she could manage without keeling over. Sera hopped up, walked

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