God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions)

God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Page B

Book: God Takes Care of Me (First Steps Devotions) by Paul J. Loth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul J. Loth
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Many people were always with Jesus. And Zacchaeus was short. He could not see
over all the people. Zacchaeus could not get close enough to see Jesus.
    Zacchaeus had an idea. He ran ahead of the crowd and climbed
a tree. He was higher than everyone. He could see Jesus! Jesus saw him, too.
    “Zacchaeus, hurry down!” Jesus called to him. “I want to
stay with you today.”
    Zacchaeus hurried down from the tree. Jesus wanted to stay
at his house! “Today you and your family have been saved,” Jesus said. Jesus
found Zacchaeus. And He saved him.
The Talking Step
    How did Jesus find you?
    Do you know someone who did not believe in Jesus and then
became a Christian?
    What did God do to help that person believe?
    Did He seek him or her out?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, thank You for finding me. Please help lots of
people I know come to know You.
The Son of Man came to look for and to save people who are lost.
Luke 19:10
Jesus Praised Mary’s Actions
Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 7:37-39; John 12:1-8

The Thinking Step
    What is the nicest thing anyone ever did for you?
    Did you pay that person back? Why? How?
The Listening Step
    Mary wanted to do something for Jesus. So she opened a
bottle of expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet. Then Mary wiped His
feet dry with her hair. The smell of perfume filled the entire house.
    Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples, was upset, “Why such a
waste? We could have sold this perfume and given the money to the poor!” he
    “Leave her alone!” Jesus said. “She has done a beautiful
thing for me. Wherever the good news is told all over the world, people will
remember what she has done. And they will tell others.”
    Jesus made sure people would remember Mary.
The Talking Step
    Has God ever paid you back for something you did for Him?
    What was it?
    How did God pay you back?
The Praying Step
    Dear God, I know I can never pay You back for what You have
done for me. But I want to serve You.
Do your work willingly, as though you were serving the Lord himself, and
not just your earthly master. In fact, the Lord Christ is the one you are
really serving, and you know that he will reward you.
Colossians 3:23-24
Jesus Cried Over Jerusalem
Matthew 23:37-39; Luke 13:34-35

The Thinking Step
    When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry?
    What does it take to make you cry?
The Listening Step
    Jesus was God’s Son. He was there when most of the people of
Israel followed God. Jesus was also there when many of the people of Israel
disobeyed God.
    The Israelites were God’s chosen ones. Jerusalem was the
capital city of Israel. It was the holy city. Just before Jesus was to be
crucified. He talked about the city of Jerusalem. Then He cried. Jesus thought
of how much God loved the people.
    “Jerusalem, Jerusalem!” Jesus cried. “I have often wanted to
gather your people, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.” Jesus loved
the people of Israel.
The Talking Step
    Do you think you ever make Jesus cry? How?
    What could you do to make Jesus stop crying
The Praying Step
    Dear God, please forgive me for the times I have made You
sad. Help me to love You and obey You.
So I confessed my sins and told them all to you. I said, “I’ll tell the
LORD each one of my sins.” Then you forgave me and took away my guilt.
Psalm 32:5
Jesus Served the Disciples
John 13:1-20

The Thinking Step
    Have you ever been served?
    Who served you?
    How did they serve you?
    How did it make you feel?
The Listening Step
    It was time for Jesus and the disciples to share the
Passover meal. The meal had been prepared. The disciples and Jesus were going
to share it together in the Upper Room.
    It was the end of the day by the time Jesus and the
disciples met together to eat. Their feet were dirty from being on the roads
all day. Everyone’s feet needed to be washed. Usually a servant did that. But
that night was different.
    Jesus got up from the table. Then He took off His outer
clothes and put a

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