Going Cowboy Crazy

Going Cowboy Crazy by Katie Lane

Book: Going Cowboy Crazy by Katie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Lane
Tags: Fiction, Romance, FIC027020
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redneck with sparkling hazel eyes.
    It was sad.

Chapter Four
    S EXUAL ATTRACTION WAS A FUNNY THING, Slate thought as he drove back to town. He had been around Hope for close to twelve years before she moved away and not once in that time had he wanted to have sex with her. Not even the couple months they’d dated in high school. Yet here was a woman who looked exactly like Hope, and he was so sexually attracted to her, he felt like he had the time that he ran a hundred and four temperature—all shaky and disoriented.
    It was the darnedest thing. And hell if he could figure it out.
    Damn Billy Ray. The kid was going to run at least twenty laps for his inopportune timing.
    “Are you hot?”
    The softly spoken question caused him to glance over, something he’d been avoiding. It was a mistake. The lights of an oncoming semi reflected off the glitter gloss of her lips, and all he could think about was pulling over and kissing them clean. Yeah, he was hot. But Slate Calhoun had never forced himself on a woman in his life. And he certainly wouldn’t start now. She’d made her choice.
    Now Slate had to live with it.
    Faith touched the spot right below her cute little nose. “You’re sweating.”
    After wiping the sweat off on the shoulder of his shirt, he rolled the window up and turned on the air-conditioning. But the cold air that blasted out of the vents didn’t cool him down a lick. Geez Louise, he needed to get a hold on himself. There wasn’t a woman alive who’d ever made him sweat like he’d just taken a big bite of a jalapeño straight off the grill. Obviously, he needed to spend less time watching game film, and looking at Mexican resorts online, and more time with women.
    Willing women.
    “Is it always this warm in September?” she asked.
    Thankful for the distraction, Slate nodded. “Usually. Of course, tomorrow we could get a cold front and freeze our rears off. West Texas weather is pretty unpredictable.”
    When Faith didn’t comment, he looked back over. She sat all prim and proper, with her knees together and her hands folded on her lap. It was hard to believe that this was the same woman who’d ripped apart the pearl snaps on his shirt and looked at his chest like it was a cloud of sweet cotton candy she wanted to dive into. The same woman who sprawled out on the truck seat, with those sexy red high heels riding his waist, and her hot, wet center all ready and waiting.
    “Watch out!”
    Slate jerked the steering wheel, coming dangerously close to taking out the WELCOME TO BRAMBLE: HOME OF THE STATE CHAMPION BULLDOGS sign. Which wouldn’t have been such a bad thing. The sign was a constantreminder of his failure as a coach. Four years and he hadn’t led the team to one state victory.
    He steered the truck back to the centerline and mumbled something about a skunk in the road. After he’d almost killed them, it was a stupid thing to say. But his mind wasn’t working on full capacity. The blood needed for coherent thinking had pooled elsewhere.
    He cleared his throat and tried to clear his mind. “So, darlin’, you planning on leaving tonight?”
    It took a moment for Faith to answer, probably because he’d scared her speechless. “I thought I’d drive until I got tired.”
    “If I were you, I’d get on twenty-seven, and maybe stay the night in Amarillo. That will give you a good start for the morning.”
    “Thank you, I might do that.” She released the dashboard but kept her eyes pinned to the road. “And I was wondering if you might keep my identity a secret until I’ve had a chance to talk with Hope. It’s just that I—”
    He held up a hand. “I understand. This is between you and your sister.” The smile she flashed him made his heart do a crazy little jig, and a few minutes passed before he could think clearly enough to make another stab at conversation. “So do you have any other sisters or brothers?”
    “No. Do you have a big family?”

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