Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade

Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade by David Guenther

Book: Gray Panthers Captain Short Blade by David Guenther Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Guenther
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you faint, you’ll hear about it for the rest of your life,” Short Blade tried to whisper. The preacher reached the altar and held out Sam’s hand for Scotty to take. Sam gazed at Scotty, then past his shoulder at the groomsmen, and smiled brightly.
    “Hey, boys. It take all three of you to keep my man from bolting, eh?” Sam squeezed Scotty’s hand firmly, turned toward the preacher, and nodded for him to begin.
    “Ladies and gentlemen, we gather here in the shadow of death as we rejoice in life. All of us were reborn when our enemies were struck down. Now, in the celebration of life, Samantha and Scotty are joined as one in God’s eyes. Be fruitful and multiply. By the power vested in me by the government of Dixie, I pronounce you man and wife. May I have a witness sign the document, please?”
    “It would be my honor to sign as witness.” All eyes were on President Davis as he stepped forward and signed the marriage contract. “No escape now for either of you now,” he quipped.
    With the formalities out of the way, the preacher pulled out a large chalice of wine. Handing it to Scotty, he instructed him to drink as much as he thought he needed. When Scotty handed it back, the preacher refilled it and handed it to Sam with the same instructions. She demurely took several large sips.
    “Go now and perform your responsibilities to God and man,” he told them. They kissed and ran toward the house while the guests clapped loudly, many laughing till it hurt.
    Guns and Jimmy didn’t understand what was so funny. President Davis was standing next to them, so Guns leaned over and asked, explaining that this was the first marriage ceremony they had attended on Dixie.
    “The drink the new husband and wife take is a very strong aphrodisiac. Only our clergy are allowed to keep it. Given the amount that Scotty drank, neither he nor Sam will get any sleep tonight. The custom goes back to when we were first marooned on this planet. We decided that we had to be strong in numbers so we would never be victims again. Anyway, the party will go on as long as they are in their marriage bed. With what he drank, it’ll be a long party.”
    An upstairs light went on and everyone could see the shadows of the happy couple. Then the shadows disappeared, and a moment later Scotty opened the window and slingshotted something down into the party. A shriek of additional laughter burst out as an old gentleman held up a tiny thong for all to see.
    Short Blade figured this would be a good chance for him to try to accomplish his mission. His heart was almost bursting from nervousness as he addressed the president.
    “Sir, may I have a few minutes of your time, please?”
    Davis glanced down at the little Jacka in amusement and nodded his head yes.
    “Sir, I’ve heard that the government is in need of Flem juice for the construction of AIs. I happen to have some at the moment … if you’re interested, that is.”
    “How did you come to that conclusion, Captain Short Blade?”
    The shock of hearing that the president knew his name and rank rattled Short Blade, but he continued. “Sir, the whole galaxy watched what the Fire Warriors were able to do with only minimal crews on their ships, all because of the AIs. Now, every navy wants the same ability. Only Earth and Dixie have the ability to create the AIs, and until now only Earth has had access to the Flem juice.”
    Davis rubbed his chin as he listened. “What do you want for the juice, son?”
    “Sir, I’d like fifty of the devices. I can pay fifty units of the juice in trade.”
    Davis looked Short Blade straight in the eyes. “Son, I’ve been a trader and politician since well before you were born. We’re not going to haggle like old women over vegetables. What do you have to offer, and what do you need?”
    Short Blade swallowed hard before speaking. “I need forty and have eighty juices to pay for them.” He realized that he’d just lied and was immediately ashamed of

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