Greatest Gift

Greatest Gift by Moira Callahan

Book: Greatest Gift by Moira Callahan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Moira Callahan
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To answer your
question, I’m not normally this touchy feely. But with you, I feel this need to
touch, feel, and many other fine terms I plan on pulling out someday soon. To
simplify it for you, it’s pure instinct guiding me. Before you, I never wanted
to be hands on, excuse the pun. With you, I need to touch you, to feel you
close, and generally lay a claim. Yeah, yeah, I know, Neanderthal like behavior
and all that. Sue me.”
    She hadn’t planned to mention that, but since he’d
given her the opening. Holland watched him, he was waiting for her to take his
lead and run with it. Instead, she put a hand to his chest, pushed up on her
toes, and pressed a kiss to his rough jawline. “Thank you for explaining.”
    He gave her a suspicious look. She pasted on what
she hoped would pass for complete innocence and waited. Finally, he muttered
something she didn’t quite catch, and waved her into the truck. Feeling oddly
triumphant, she settled back on the hump, and watched him walk around the
vehicle, shooting her odd looks the entire time. Oh this was fun getting one
over on him. She could totally get used to this.

    Chapter Ten
    Jakob was still trying to figure out what game Holland was playing later that
night. She was working at the pub, tending to the regulars while he sat in a
corner keeping watch. He didn’t expect any trouble, mainly because the guys
that hung out there in the evenings were all good guys. They might moan and
groan about their home lives, their jobs, or their latest reno nightmare the wife had gotten them into, but
overall they were the sort you wanted at your back.
    No, he was trying to piece together how he’d found
himself flat-footed earlier in conversation with her outside the restaurant
he’d taken her to for breakfast. The woman had pulled a fast one on him and his
brain was still piecing it together in an attempt to get up to speed once more.
    A chilled bottle appeared before him wrenching him
from his thoughts. Looking up, he found Holland staring down at him with a
worried expression. “You okay?” she asked. “You’ve been sitting here for a long
time with a rather scary look on your face. The boys are trying to figure out
who you plan to murder first.”
    Leaning to the side to get a look beyond her, he
found all eyes on them. He flipped them the bird, and settled back into his
seat. “Not planning to have to dig any graves tonight.”
    “Well, that is a huge relief,” she said. “Given the
weather report I doubt you’d make much progress.”
    Shit, he hadn’t even heard the radio he’d been so
deep inside his own head. “What are they calling for now?” Not that he was sure
he wanted to know.
    “Basically, full white-out conditions on all
highways, and they are calling it to snow another foot to foot and a half. The
boys are finishing up their current drinks because I told them flat out I’m
kicking their asses to the curb. We need to get home before this shit settles in
solid on us.”
    “Fuck yeah, good plan. What do you need help with
to get us out faster?” Pushing to his feet, he lifted the cold bottle for a
long pull.
    “Sit your ass down,” she ordered. Stunned, Jakob complied without even blinking. “I’m nearly done with
the majority. Once they are finished I need to do their tables, flip up their
chairs, and sweep the last bit. Cleaners are in tomorrow morning, which means I
don’t have to mop.”
    “Oh.” He didn’t have anything else to say to that.
“Uh, okay.”
    Smiling suddenly, she came around the table to lean
down, and press a kiss to his lips. Jakob wrapped a
hand around her leg right above her knee. Opening up, he let her take the kiss
wherever she wanted, and enjoyed every second. When she drew away he let out a
small disappointed sound, and rubbed his hand up higher on her leg. “What was
that for?” Not that he was complaining or nothing. She could damn well do that
whenever the fuck she wanted.
    “Because you’re behaving

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