Green-Eyed Monster
pain away.A small, private smile quirked the corner of the nurse’s mouth as she stared down, then a warm hand landed smack, flat on Mickey’s belly, causing her to jerk against her binds, setting off another torturous wave of head pain and moans.
    “Well, Michaela,” Victoria continued cheerfully. “Actually, I think I prefer Mickey, so Mickey it is. Strange how the tables turn. Here we are, you tied to the bed, me up and about. Making decent coffee, using the bathroom unattended, ransacking your hovel of a home.” She scoffed at Mickey’s wide-eyed alarm. “Oh yes, I’ve been through all your papers, but apart from confirming you’re one Michaela Rapowski, and a big fat loser, I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.”
    Victoria stared at her ex-captor, a thin sheet covering Mickey’s nakedness. Victoria quite liked this situation. It was new to her and a little thrilling. She hadn’t played kinky games with Ginette, or any other of her few lovers, for that matter. But the concept of power play, in a sexual context, was intriguing to her. With a small shake she brought her thoughts back into focus.
    She frowned at her mental drift back to last night. Mickey had a strange effect on her that way; she took her mind off to exciting new places. She had to be careful around her. She couldn’t afford to lose focus. Especially not now. She tore her eyes away. This would not do, not do at all. She had to concentrate better than this.
    She refocused her thoughts. “If you were intelligent enough to ask me what I’m looking for, and let’s pretend you are and you have, I’d say I need to know the details of this ransom demand you’ve made. I need to know the reasons behind it and why it’s not been paid. And believe me, these details are the only reason your ass isn’t on display at the nearest women’s penitentiary shower block.”
    Victoria smiled as Mickey’s eyes flashed with anger and more than a little trepidation. Mickey might be keeping silent, but her eyes spoke volumes, and Victoria found herself more than skilled in the translation . If only I could’ve seen her eyes instead of being blindfolded. All this would have been over in fifteen minutes flat. I can read her like a crisp new dollar bill.
    Last night, for the first time, she could examine the features of her unconscious captor. Or was it captive? And she had to admit she found the woman attractive. Not in an obvious supermodel way like Ginette, but with a homespun cuteness. Mickey’s long, dark blond hair was laced with honeyed highlights from the long summer. Her features gave clues as to her childhood face, a short, straight nose spattered with pale freckles, and a wide, upturned mouth with little laughter creases, and best of all, one errant dimple in the left cheek. In slumber, the little indent was adorable and made Victoria want to dip the tip of her tongue in it. Combined with her big baby blues, Mickey was outright crack candy, and twice as addictive.
    Victoria actually had to forbid herself from reaching out to stroke the softly flushed cheek after she had grunted and sweated and manhandled Mickey’s lanky frame back onto the bed. And Mickey’s body was another landmark discovery. To finally look at it, touch it, after it had been pressed against hers in urgency all night. She was tall, all legs really, but with soft curves and velvety tanned skin. Her breasts were slightly oversized for her rib cage, with small brown nipples. Her hips were curvaceous, with dark curls covering her sex. Slight tan lines showed she sun-worshipped topless but not naked. Three small moles nestled in an arc under her navel. Victoria had traced them gently with a fingertip. They reminded her of Orion’s belt. And finally, those big, ugly duckling hands and feet. Somebody came from farming stock. Victoria had smiled, running a finger over a ridge of relaxed knuckles before tucking a sheet around the prone body. For the rest of the night she sat

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