Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6)
more of the drug and you’ll remember,” Amun said, sending his friend some calming energy.
    Gracus sighed in frustration, hating the feeling in his head and the fact that he couldn’t remember anything. Especially going to the planet! He’d wanted to do it since they arrived two years ago and he couldn’t believe that he would forget something that he felt would be amazing.
    Those thoughts set off a tingling in his mind that almost made him want to scratch his head to try and ease the intensity. Gracus needed to remember something important, he didn’t know how he knew that, but he did.
    He opened his eyes again and looked at the fuzzy image of Amun standing beside the bed. “I need to remember now. Can’t you give me something to get this drug out of me?”
    Amun shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry. It was the combination of the sugar and the drug that caused it to rapidly saturate your system. Anything that I give you now will also saturate your system and we can’t calculate how it will react with the drug that is already there.”
    Amun sighed and looked sadly at his friend. “I’m running tests on it now, but I won’t have any usable results for another few days. I’m sorry Gracus, it’s too risky until I know more about this drug and how and why it created the reaction it did in you,” Amun said, trying to make Gracus understand why he couldn’t do anything more for him right now.
    Amun had been working on the problem since they had returned to Dillon a few hours ago and Grai even had a team buying more of the candy so that he could test it. Something in the candy, along with the drug had reacted oddly in the Valendran body and Amun needed to know what it was to determine whether or not it was a risk to all of them. But, that information wasn’t going to help calm Gracus right now , Amun thought.
    Scaden laid a hand on Gracus’s shoulder to try and comfort him. “We’re going to get you better in a few hours, you just need to remain calm for a little while. Why don’t you try to get some sleep and when you wake, you should be well enough to remember,” Scaden said, looking helplessly at Amun and wishing there was something they could do.
    Gracus laid back in the bed, the calming energy that Scaden and Amun had sent him was working. Between the energy and the drug still in his system, it wasn’t long before he had fallen back into sleep.
    Scaden looked up at Amun to make sure that Gracus was just sleeping and when Amun shook his head to confirm it, they stepped outside of the room so they wouldn’t wake him up.
    Scaden looked worriedly at Amun before he began pacing in front of the door. “Are we sure he’s going to be all right? I expected him to be better by now. What is going wrong? Don’t lie to me Amun,” Scaden said, fear for his friend consuming him.
    Amun sighed. He really didn’t need Scaden freaking out on him too. “Scaden, I’m not lying to either one of you. I need to sequence and break down the ingredients in the candy in order to try and replicate what happened in his system and why. By the time I get that completed, it will be out of his system. Our rapid metabolism is already removing it at a remarkable rate,” Amun said, trying to make Scaden understand.
    Scaden ran a hand through his hair and continued to pace. “How can it be this difficult with all of our technology?” he asked, frustrated that they had no real answers, just questions that couldn’t be answered until Gracus was better.
    Amun chuckled. “Being more advanced does not make us perfect. We are susceptible to many things that we cannot understand fully. Just look at the virus that decimated our population, we still can’t correct it. Right now, with the information I have, I believe there is a unique component in that candy that caused the perfect conditions for the reaction that Gracus is having.”
    Amun continued. “It wasn’t just the drug that did this. All of the testing I have done on the

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