Grounding Gracus (First Wave Book 6)
taking him out of here.
    “He’s going to be hard to handle,” Scaden said with a grimace, not looking forward to trying to carry his friend while he was in this kind of erratic state.
    Scaden and Niklosi had the doorway clear and Grai stepped through it, before his friends to get inside. He quickly leaned down and whispered, “I’m sorry my friend, but we can’t have you seen like this.”
    Then Grai drew back and punched Gracus in the face so hard his head snapped back and his body went completely limp on the floor as the others yelled out “Oh!” and the sheriff muttered, “Damn boy!”
    Amun rushed to Gracus and sighed in relief as he said, “He’s just passed out and will be a lot easier to move. The bruise will heal quickly.” Amun would never admit it, but he was glad Grai had knocked out his friend.
    The sheriff turned to Grai. “If you’re gonna take him out of here, let’s get him on a gurney and you can pull your vehicle around back to the loading dock.”
    Grai nodded his head as Niklosi and Scaden hefted Gracus onto the now upright gurney, before he handed the keys to the SUV to Niklosi so he could bring it around the building.
    Joe shook his head at the passed out man. “Follow me and I’ll take you to the loading dock,” Joe said as he turned down the hall and led them to the back of the building.
    Ignoring the many stares of the curious hospital staff and patients, they finally got Gracus stuffed into the back of the SUV when Grai turned to Joe.
    “I am sorry that I did not come under better circumstances, but I will be returning soon, my friend,” Grai paused and blushed a moment before continuing. “Tricia is blessing me with a daughter soon and I can’t think of a better place for us to bring Tristan’s sister into the world.”
    Joe’s smile split his face and he pulled the large man to him and patted his back in happiness. “Oh Grai! I can’t think of better news than that! Personally, I think you waited too long to give that boy a sibling! You get hold of me before you arrive and I’ll see about making sure everything is perfect for Tricia,” Joe said pulling back from Grai, his smile brightening his face.
    Grai couldn’t help but smile back. “Thank you Joe, I’ll call you about a week before we plan on arriving. I definitely owe you one,” Grai motioned to the SUV and the unconscious man inside. “For this. Let me know what you need and it’s yours,” Grai said seriously.
    Without hesitation, Joe said. “We got a family, six kids, their father just got laid off from his job last month and their mom can’t feed them all with her paycheck from the motel as a part time maid… they’re good people Grai…,” Joe began before Grai cut him off.
    “One day, I hope you will think to ask of something for yourself first. But your selflessness is one of the many things I admire about you, Joe. Email me the information on the family and I will take care of it by the end of the day,” Grai said, holding his hand out to his friend.
    Joe grinned and shook Grai’s hand. “Thanks Grai, I look forward to seeing you and your family soon,” Joe said.
    Grai started to head to the SUV and turned back to Joe. “What happened to the bears?” he asked, knowing damn well when Jax heard of this she’d want to know. He admitted he was curious over their welfare as well. Grai hated to think that the innocent creatures might be harmed because of one of his people.
    Joe laughed and shook his head. “By the time the rescue squad got there, the bears were long gone. Rebecca said they woke up and wandered off as if nothing had happened. She said they looked fine so we’re going to keep an ear out for any strange bear activity for a few days. If nothing comes up, we’ll forget about it.”
    Grai nodded, happy that the bears would have no lasting effects from their encounter with the Valendran and he headed back to the SUV. If anything did come up though, Grai would send Jax out to get

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