Guarding Light

Guarding Light by Cate Mckoy Page B

Book: Guarding Light by Cate Mckoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Mckoy
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Adult
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Catlyn was surprised.
       "Yes. You were beaten pretty badly around the face and head. We weren't sure your failure to wake up was due to the concussion or some form of sensitivity to the anesthesia. Because your vitals improved after the antibiotics were given and there were no signs of serious head or brain damage, we let you sleep. Best thing for your body, really, the swelling in your face has already abated considerably."
       Catlyn gingerly touched her face with her right hand. It felt puffy and there was a subtle ache. Her mouth felt as though she had been to the dentist.
       "Catlyn, do you have any questions for me about your care or recovery?" Dr. Rice gently asked.
       Catlyn didn't answer only lay her head against her mother's bosom. May Lyte tucked her daughter close. "I got it from here doctor."
       Dr. Rice's smile was filled with sympathy. "Ok, mom, there are several people who need to know Catlyn is now awake so they can speak with her."
       Catlyn didn't see or hear the doctor leave her room. She breathed in her mother's familiar scent. A scent which meant she was home and safe. Deep racking sobs erupted from Catlyn. Safe? She would never feel safe again. She wanted to die of shame as images flashed through her head. J.T. had brutalized her in the most horrible way imaginable for a female. Catlyn cried harder. "Mama, he hurt me really bad. My privates hurt so much!" Catlyn's sobs became audible. May started to rock her, still lightly caressing her hair. "Ssh, honey."
       Catlyn didn't see her mother reach for the call bell. Catlyn started to scream, pulling at her mother's embrace, trying to get closer, wanting to crawl inside her mother's protective arms. "N-no, n-nev-er, s-s-safe a-a-gain." Catlyn screamed. Hysterical beyond comprehension, Catlyn only felt a slight prick then a soothing heat and then nothing.
       Catlyn sat in her hospital room staring at her lunch tray. It had been two days since she woke up. In those two days she had been visited by numerous doctors, a psychiatrist, a rape counselor, policemen assigned her case, Tasha and of course her mother. She was told that she would be released as soon as she could eat, urinate and move her bowls. Catlyn had already eaten and peed, just one more and she could leave this place.
       She looked at the flowers, cards and balloons which comprised all her get well wishes. There were quite a lot of them. Catlyn didn't feel cheered by the bright colorful collage. She felt humiliated. They all knew! They all knew what had happened to her. Knew the things J.T. had done to her. Just the thought of so many people knowing, made Catlyn physically ill.
       Tears came to her eyes. Angered by yet another crying jag, Catlyn sent her bandaged hand swiping across the bedside table. A wave of cards, flowers, candy and her untouched lunch covered the floor. She was sick of crying and feeling as though her life was at an end. The only thing that stopped her crying was her anger, so Catlyn fueled it, keeping the horrible details of the attack in her mind. She refused to forget a single tidbit. She will forget NOTHING!
       That asshole needed to pay. Catlyn couldn't wait to testify so she could watch him put behind bars. The rape counselor had told her some women didn't feel as though they could survive a trial because sometimes it backfired and it seemed as though the victim was put on trial, all her details being highlighted. Catlyn had fiercely told the counselor that she was not one of those women! She didn't care what she would have to tell about herself just as long as J.T. got his and she got justice.
       Oliver Clancy, the detective assigned her case, had took her statement the day she woke up. He had told her that it would be no problem for him to get a warrant for J.T. Dark's arrest. He told her he would return when the arrest had been made. Catlyn had felt some satisfaction when detective Clancy failed to respond

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