Guarding Light

Guarding Light by Cate Mckoy

Book: Guarding Light by Cate Mckoy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Mckoy
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Adult
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knowledge that he could do Catlyn more harm than good.
       Jack's jaw clenched hard in useless rage as he took in her many visible injuries. She was naked. One side of her face looked like she had a bout with the current heavy weight champion. Her eye was swollen shut. Her upper chest had a gash that was bleeding as did her stomach. There was a deeper gash in the open palm that reached towards him. On the other hand her index finger was bent at an unnatural angle. There was blood between her legs, running down her thighs. At this sign of the ultimate violation, tears came to Jack's eyes as he was swamped with more impudent wrath. There were friction burns all along her back and buttocks.
       Blinking his tears away Jack slowly and carefully ran his hands along Catlyn's body checking for obvious breaks. With his limited training, Jack felt the more serious of Catlyn's injuries were internal.
       Jack took off his jacket and slowly wrapped it around her upper body. He then took off his t-shirt creating a makeshift pad he put it gently between her legs, pressing it against her vagina.
       Catlyn gave a pitiful whimper in protest. Jack soothed. "Ssh. It's ok, Kitten." She shuddered and her teeth began to chatter.
       Jack became aware of Sara standing beside them crying. Digging in his jean's pocket he handed her his keys. "Go to the car and get the blanket out of my trunk and start the car, turn the heat up full blast. She is going into shock."
       Sara took off at a dead run. Jack carefully picked Catlyn up into his lap. Remembering some more of his paramedic training he tried to orient her. "Catlyn, baby, can you hear me? It's Jack."
       She stirred in his arms. Her one eye opened slightly. "J-jack, p-please help me." Her whispered plea tore at his heart.
       His tears began to fall. "I will, baby."
       That seem to satisfy her to some extent for she relaxed, giving him all her weight. "Kitten, baby, did you recognize who did this? Do you know him?"
       Catlyn seemed to give a slight nod as she whispered. "It w-was J.T."
       Jack frowned, staring at her. She slipped back into unconsciousness. Just then Sara came rushing back with the blanket. Jack quickly wrapped it around Catlyn, standing with her he made his way as quickly as he dared to the car. Thanking God that the hospital was about 3 minutes away by car. Catlyn was obviously very bad.
       Jack kept Catlyn in his arms in the back seat while Sara drove the short distance to St. Luke's Hospital. Jack prayed as Sara sped towards the E.R. Please God let Catlyn make it through this. Please let her live.
       Sara pulled up in front of the wide double E.R. sliding doors with screeching tires. She opened the door for him and ran ahead, calling for a doctor. Several staff members came forth with a stretcher. Jack gently placed Catlyn on it.
       Catlyn was whisked away. Jack kept pace with the stretcher until a nurse blocked him with an outstretched arm and asked, "Are you family?"
       Not even hesitating Jack answered. "Yes." The nursed paused looking him up and down. Noticing his determination, shirtless, bloody chest, she shrugged and allowed him through the inner double doors to follow Catlyn.
       Jack stood back as the various medical staffed worked on Catlyn, switching her from the stretcher to the bed. A tray full of medical paraphernalia appeared. They called out pertinent information as it was gathered. There was an order for a surgeon and for someone to call the police and Jack thought he heard the words 'rape kit'.
       Rape. The word hit Jack in the chest. Someone had raped Catlyn. Someone had violated his sweet little kitten. Wiping his tears away his anger returned full force. He was going to make the animal that had done this to Catlyn pay if it was the last thing he did.
       Catlyn first became aware of pervasive coldness. Then came sounds heard as though from a great distance, nondistinguishable.

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