
Guilty by Ann Coulter

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Authors: Ann Coulter
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breaking news that the mainstream media had failed to uncover, the AP delusion-ally asserted that Brodkorb “has no real counterweight on the left.” 2 No real counterweight? How about the Associated Press? The AP managed to file a decent report on Brodkorb. Why couldn't it report on Franken— not a conservative blogger, but a candidate for the U.S. Senate?
    The Democratic base, not being particularly bright to begin with, has been infected with an almost paralyzing fear of Republicans. After Barack Obama sealed the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, Bill Kownacki fired off an indignant letter to
The Oregonian,
huffing, “I don't know how they'll do it, but somehow Republicans are going to attack Barack Obama both for [supposedly] being a Muslim and for attending a Christian church with an outspoken pastor for 20 years. The real challenge: Can they do it in the same sentence?” 3 Republicans were being attacked for things they hadn't done, but they're the ones with an “attack machine.”
    Throughout the Thirty-Years’-War Democratic primary campaign, circa 2007–2008, all Democratic arguments were pitched in terms of the nonexistent, but still very frightening, Republican Attack Machine. Democrats accused one another of adopting Republican smear tactics,they bleated about being victims of imaginary Republican attacks, and, most impressively, they raised the specter of the Republican Attack Machine as a stalking horse to launch attacks on one another.
Really, I have no problem with Obama being a Muslim—but wait until Republicans get ahold of it!
It was a twofer for liberals: Attack your opponent and smear Republicans at the same time. Republicans could only watch in perplexity, thinking,
Wait a minute! We didn't say anything!
    This isn't normal politicking—unless you are a catty twelve-year-old girl. The Republicans held primaries in 2008, too, but they attacked one another's policies, records, and character. They didn't say,
Wait until the Democrats hear about this!
Indeed, judging by the candidate they chose, the Republicans appeared to be unaware of the existence of an opposing party. Even the smarmiest of Republican candidates never resorted to such a backhanded slime. When Mike Huckabee wanted to attack Mitt Romney, he innocently asked a
New York Times
reporter, “Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?” Unctuous? As Sarah Palin would say, You betcha! But at least Huckabee didn't say,
I don't have any problem with Mormons believing Jesus and Satan were brothers, but wait until the Democrats find out!
    The innovation of Democrats was to say, while putting the knife in a fellow Democrat,
Isn't it better to hear it from me than from the right-wing hate machine? Hey, don't blame me—I'm just giving you the printable version of what Republicans are going to say.
In a column on Reverend Jeremiah Wright—with long excerpts from his sermons—Clinton flack Lanny Davis wrote in the
Wall Street Journal,
“One thing is for sure: If Mr. Obama doesn't show a willingness to try to answer all the questions now, John McCain and the Republican attack machine will not waste a minute pressuring him to do so if he is the Democratic Party's choice in the fall.”
    Ah, the notorious Republican Attack Machine!
    Jamie Rubin, assistant secretary of screwing up national security— oops, I mean “of state”—under Clinton, warned that “the Republicans are going to fight very, very hard and they're going to start looking to Senator Obama's record on a number of issues that really haven't gotten much attention so far.” 4 In other words, Republicans were going to campaign.
    Former Clinton White House assistant deputy fellatio apologistAnn Lewis defended Hillary's attacks on Obama by warning that “in the fall election the Republicans are going to come after us with everything they've got.” 5 As usual, Lewis was about

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