Happy to Burn (Dark Desires)
I’d always preferred face-to-face sex and I wasn’t sure why I'd imagined doggy-style, but —damn.  
    I was sweating, breathing heavily and Delilah was eyeing me with interest.

Chapter 2:  

    Delilah took a long, slow breath and her lips parted slightly. She put one hand on her hip and touched the other to her mouth. “My, my, Spencer…” She trailed off and smiled slowly, seductively. Mockingly, as if she’d just read my mind and saw all the naughty images that raced through my head.
    I stiffened and stepped back. “N-no, no.” I stammered. “I, uh, —” I stepped back again. I needed to get far away from her. The purple haze over my eyes hadn’t receded. I was surprised she hadn’t noticed my dark purple, dilated pupils. I was close to losing it and it would not be pretty.
    “No,” she snapped, grabbing my arm roughly, her nails digging into my skin, with a surprisingly strong grip.
    “I gotta g—” I broke off in a completely undignified yelp as a deliberate pressure stroked my crotch.
    For a moment my eyes dumbly snapped back and forth from my crotch to Delilah.
    She licked her lips and touched the foot rail with her free hand, while she stroked her other along the ridge in my jeans. Her lips parted on a moan.
    “If I’d known this was all it took to get you to stop acting like a nervous virgin around me, I would have done it months ago.” She purred. There was a teasing note in her voice that challenged me to reply.
    Holy. Shit. Was all my mind could manage.
    If I’d had any blood left in my brain I would have told her “nervous virgin” was an inaccurate assessment given my century-plus of living.  
    I would have pointed out that I was merely giving her wide berth to prevent ripping her clothes off every time I saw her. I would have told her she was playing with fire at this very moment and I’d be more than happy to burn her.
    I would have, but my cock was being stroked by the hottest woman I’d ever met and I didn’t want to be distracted from that fact.
    Her eyes narrowed, probing into me. “You aren’t a virgin, are you, Spencer?” She didn’t stop her stroking.
    I swallowed and managing an honest shake of my head.
    She massaged her thumb into the head of my cock through my jeans and I shuddered, my lids lowered and I tightened my lips around my fully elongated fangs.  
    I was going to fuck Delilah Silva. Give her the ride of her life.
    “Pick up your camera, Spencer.” She stopped stroking, hooked a hand onto my belt and led me around to the side of the bed. My cock led the way.
    “Camera.” She reminded, settling into a seductive pose.
    I shook myself out of my daze and brought the camera back up to my eyes.
    It took me a moment of distractedly taking pictures of her to realize that she’d just been playing with me. It had clearly been a ruse to get me to do my job. My jaw tightened in embarrassment as I wondered if she did this to all of her photographers.  
    I never heard any stories about Delilah, not like some other models, but look at her…
    She ran her hands down her sides, took her bottom lip between her teeth and looked into the camera. Those green eyes shining brighter as they focused on the camera and not me.
    She obviously used her looks to her advantage.  
    I managed to snap a few pictures despite being painfully aroused. My crush on Delilah, the crush I’d had since the day I met her, was beginning to fade…and was being replaced with dangerous NightDweller rage.
    “Did you like it?” she asked after a while. She wore a devilish grin as she arched her back again. I swallowed hard and tried not to look at her breasts.
    “Like what?” I gritted, wishing my erection would go down. I didn’t like being played and I knew she was drawing some sort of sick pleasure from seeing me so painfully aroused.
    She turned around giving me that aforementioned ass, then twisted to the left, throwing her head over her right shoulder. “Like me

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