Have Bouquet, Need Boyfriend
when she acted like a simpering
    teenager at the mere thought of seeing Thomas?

    She had to slay the dragon of self-doubt sitting on her shoulder.

    Her eyes tracked the titles: How To Be a Success in Business. Surviving
    Summers with Kids. Surviving Your Crazy Teenager. How To Master
    Menopause. How To Turn Up the Temperature in the Bedroom. The Art of Love.

    Unfortunately, she didn’t see a single book with advice on how to ask a
    man for a sperm donation without stuttering.

    Mimi jiggled Maggie Rose up and down, trying to calm her after her

    “I’m so sorry,” Hannah whispered, patting the baby’s back. “I didn’t
    mean to make you cry, sugar.”

    “It’s all right,” Mimi cajoled. She cradled Maggie Rose to her.

    “You’re a natural,” Hannah said. “Maggie Rose is lucky to have you for a

    Mimi beamed. “She’s my little doll baby. When are you and Jake going to
    take the plunge into parenthood?”

    Hannah laughed. “We’re working on it.”

    Mimi hugged her. “I hope you have an announcement soon. Maggie needs
    some cousins to play with.”

    “We’ll see.” Hannah tucked the blanket around Maggie Rose’s feet. “Can
    you meet with Alison, Suzanne and Rebecca to plan Grammy’s party?”

    “Yep, Seth’s going to watch the baby.” Mimi grinned. “You know, Hannah,
    if my radar’s working properly, Rebecca has a crush on Dr. Emerson. I
    think that’s why she was so nervous and hit his car the other day.”

    “No big surprise.” Hannah smiled. “Half the female population in town
    has a crush on Thomas.”

    Mimi scrunched her nose in thought, the wheels of mischief turning.
    “True, but if he marries anyone, it should be one of the Hartwell girls.”

    “He’s on the rebound from a Hartwell now,” Hannah pointed out.

    Mimi shrugged. “But Rebecca is so sweet.”

    “And shy,” Hannah said. “I wish we could do something to help her.”

    “You could talk her up to Thomas.”

    Hannah laughed. “I suppose I could.”

    “We need to figure out a way to get them together. “

    Hannah finished scribbling on Maggie’s chart and closed it. “What are
    you scheming, Mimi?”

    “Nothing much.” Mimi grinned and surveyed the exam room. “Didn’t you say
    you planned to hire someone to remodel the exam rooms?”

    Hannah nodded.

    “Well, I have an idea.” Mimi wiggled her finger. “Let’s go find Doc

    Hannah gave her a suspicious look. “I don’t think we should interfere.”

    “Nonsense. Rebecca needs us.” Mimi winked. “Just follow my lead, and
    wedding bells will be ringing for our cousin in no time.”

    “My husband left me,” Dorothy Parker wailed. “And I don’t know what to
    do, Doc.”

    Thomas placed a comforting hand on Dorothy’s back and slowly stroked,
    trying to calm her. She’d been crying for close to a half hour, which
    had sent her six-week-old infant into a fit, which had upset Dorothy
    even more. The two hysterical females had turned his routine follow-up
    exam into such a stressful ordeal he’d developed a raging headache.

    At least now the high-strung woman was dressed and in his office.

    Dorothy cradled the baby and leaned against him. “Harold left me for a
    waitress over at Crooked Neck Holler. Can you believe that? Just because
    I have a little baby fat left around my midriff.”

    Thomas refrained from commenting. “It takes time to lose weight after
    giving birth,” he said softly.

    “That’s what I told him,” Dorothy said, sniffing loudly. “But he said
    I’m not attractive anymore. Do you think he’s right?”

    A loaded question from a woman. Thomas pressed a finger to his temple.
    “New mothers are always beautiful, Dorothy, but stressed. I’m sure
    Harold will realize his mistake and come home soon. He’ll be begging you
    to take him back.”

    Her eyebrows lifted. “Maybe I won’t take him back this time.”

    He stifled a comment; she and her husband split at

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