was, though she was more than a little stiff.
With Tildy press ed up against him and her sandalwood scent filling his senses, Hawk was slowly but surely becoming a little stiff as well. He shifted her on his lap a little as he reached for his beer. Tildy froze, but didn’t otherwise react, though he knew she must feel his cock through his cargo pants. Her breathing came a little bit faster, and she turned her head ever so slightly to glance at him from the corner of her eye. Hawk gave her a grin.
He had one hand on his beer and had the other lazily stroking Tildy’s thigh. In truth though, Hawk was feeling anything but lazy. He kept his hand where it was, venturing no further. Just a signal of interest, an invitation. Tildy was at least going to have to reciprocate his interest before they went any further.
“Matilda, let’s go,” the blonde finally huffed.
“But we just got here,” Tildy protested.
Hawk scowled. It wasn’t hard to figure out the problem. Blondie w asn’t getting anywhere with Doc, Shooter and Tex were happily committed to their women, and neither Easy nor Hawk himself had any interest. Blondie wasn’t used to men who didn’t fall to their knees to worship her.
She stood up. “Are you coming?” she demanded.
Tildy glanced over her shoulder at Hawk. As a rule, Hawk didn’t take them to his place, though he’d make an exception tonight. He was about to make the offer, when Blondie pulled out a knife and stuck it right in Tildy’s back.
She sighed, exasperated. “Are you going to fuck him, Matilda?”
The collective temperature of the entire table dropped about ten degrees as the men scowled at Blondie , and Abby sent her a death glare.
“Hey, now,” Hawk bit out. Jesus, subtlety, look it up , he wanted to tell her. But Hawk could tell that Blondie was a spoiled bitch, and that subtlety wasn’t one of her more endearing qualities.
Blondie’s gaze just about ske wered Tildy where she sat perched on top of Hawk’s burgeoning erection. If she’d been curious before, she was just embarrassed and uncomfortable now. Indeed Hawk had planned to fuck Tildy later, but he wouldn’t have used that word, and he sure as shit wouldn’t have put Tildy on the spot like that in front of a bunch of people.
He decided to put an end t o her misery and leave her with some shred of dignity. He set his beer bottle down hard and leveled his gaze at Blondie. “I think you’re right,” he declared loudly. “You should go. You obviously can’t handle your booze.”
He felt no small amount of satisfaction watching Blondie’s face turn red. Served her right, Hawk figured, after the number of times she’d embarrassed Tildy just in the half hour they’d been here.
Hawk gently moved Tildy to the side, forcing her to stand up so he could too. “Come on,” he ordered. “Tildy, you should make sure your friend gets home okay. I’ll walk you out.”
As he herded both women to the exit, his irritation ebbed slightly. Blondie got in the passenger side of her own car , after he insisted that she hand over the keys. That earned him a disgruntled snort and the sharp report of the car door slamming, which is exactly what Hawk had been going for.
Now , he and Tildy were alone, or close enough. He leaned in, not quite pinning her against the frame of the car, but close enough that her breasts grazed his chest. They were small, because Tildy was small, but he’d bet even money that, underneath her silk blouse and bra, her nipples were pert and alert.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked quietly, unable to keep his fingers out of her hair.
“Um,” she replied. “N-nothing.”
“Will you come to Mark and Abby’s barbecue?”
Tildy looked confused for a moment, as though she’d expected him to say something else. “Barbecue?” she repeated.
“Chili cook-off,” he murmured, leaning in closer. He angled h is mouth just inches from hers.
Tildy simply stared at his mouth , as though she
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